• Linux-Go-Round (2/3)

    From BARRY MARTIN@454:3/105 to KY MOFFET on Thursday, July 16, 2015 07:06:00

    Been there, looked for that, asked someone on IRC, was told there
    IS no such place in the configuration doohickey, and they don't
    know about elsewhere either. I know KDE could do it, and I think
    Gnome did too, but Mint-Cinnamon does not.

    >> You have to install and setup samba on your linux box, it has all the
    >> networking goodies windows expects.
    KM> Okay. Should be listed in the package manager thingee, right?
    Yes, a lot of desktop apps either depend on it, or will give you more functionality if it's installed (and configured). It's not as plug and play

    windows, when I ran it it took a lot of edits to get things working.

    Turns out Samba was installed, but non-obvious. I installed a
    front end via the package manager and that made life easier, or
    at least it did things that looked like it made a network share.
    I hadn't got around to figuring out what I had to do on the
    WinBoxen yet.

    KM> I detest Firefox but SeaMonkey was not listed, and for the life of
    KM> I
    KM> couldn't make sense of the workaround "how to install" info I found.

    KM> I did what I'd do in Windows... downloaded and unzipped it, then
    KM> doubleclicked the main executable.

    That package might be called iceape (a debian thing).

    What the heck kind of name is Iceape??!

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozilla_Corporation_software_rebrand ed_by_the_Deb

    KM> And it RUNS! with no issues, far as I can tell.
    Yep, you can do it that way, or sometimes I plonk things like that in /opt.

    If it's up to me, I'd make my own installed-software directory
    tree so I know where everything is.

    KM> But now how do I make it a desktop icon, or better yet taskbar icon?
    KM> (like Firefox and Terminal have)
    The desktop files are all in /usr/share/applications. Those will be overwritten if you reinstall or update a package. I put my own desktop
    in /usr/local/share/applications. Those will be included on your desktop in the same way as the others but won't be overwritten.

    Oh. So I should look in there and see what's what. If it ever
    boots again....

    Yeah, I still have questions that I know are answered somewhere, but where?

    Nowhere obvious, that's for sure.

    >> http://knopper.net/knoppix/index-en.html
    KM> Ah, thanks, I'd forgotten it exists. I don't recall seeing it on
    It was the first (one of the first maybe) live CDs that worked. It has good hardware/system autodetection. I like to try live CDs from time to time and see a lot of failures but knoppix has always booted for me. I tried the ecs live os/2 cd a while ago. Looked promising but no network support for my

    That might be what I'm remembering, that it was better at making
    itself at home on strange hardware. And mine is stranger than
    most. <g>

    KM> ILink's own Peter Todd used to keep a really comprehensive distro
    KM> list,
    KM> but it seems to be no more. (Tho his name is on some documentation
    KM> pages. Cool; he was like 11 years old when we first knew him!)
    I must have missed him. Maybe he'll post a new list one day.. :)

    This is like 15 years ago by now!

    KM> It would be nice to have a boot launcher that goes on a USB stick,
    KM> could pick from all the LiveCD ISOs stored on the stick and let you
    KM> from any of them. Is there such a thing??
    There probably is a thing like that, if you can find it.. ;)

    Hahahaha. Find. Hahaha!

    >> .. My modem isn't slow- it's "baudily challenged!"

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