• Linux-Go-Round

    From KY MOFFET@454:3/105 to BARRY MARTIN on Sunday, July 12, 2015 08:02:00
    Every few years I download a pile of linux distros and give 'em all a
    whirl. And this was the week for that! From listings on Distrowatch I
    decided on four LiveCDs to try:

    Hardware: AMD dual core (I think) 2.5GHz, 4GB RAM (DDR400), Asus
    mainboard, two nothing-special video cards, 40GB PATA HD and 60GB SSD.
    It rather outperforms what I expected, considering it's the oldest of
    the three "new" frankenputers by several years.

    On with our show! Up on the twirly-whirly we find:

    PClinux -- would not boot

    Mageia -- hung in various creative ways before it got fully booted

    OpenMandriva -- annoying in various other ways and finally hung

    Mint (Cinnamon) 17.2 -- Hmm. This one might be a keeper. For the very
    first time, everything appears to work out of the box (except far as I
    can tell, it only sees one vidcard). They've gotten rid of the most
    annoying parts of Ubuntu/Gnome and kept the more-usable parts (tho some
    useful config stuff has vanished). It also radically outperforms the
    others I've tried over the years, and not just because this is faster
    hardware -- Mint only loads a fraction as many modules: about 20 vs the typical 100+. When I looked in whatever it calls running processes, it
    was -- ONE, instead of 50 or so. Well, that would do it; cuts way down
    on needless overhead.

    Plugged it into the DSL modem/router and internet magically worked. So
    its networking is alive and running. But now how do I get it and the
    WinXP machine (let alone the *spit* Win7 box?) to see each other?

    Use very small words, preferably of no more than five letters and one syllable. <g>
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From ALAN IANSON@454:3/105 to KY MOFFET on Sunday, July 12, 2015 16:32:00
    Hello Ky,

    Mint (Cinnamon) 17.2 -- Hmm. This one might be a keeper. For the very first time, everything appears to work out of the box (except far as I
    can tell, it only sees one vidcard).

    Seems to be popular. You'll likely have to manually edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf with the setup for two video cards. I've only ever used one so I don't know the details.

    Plugged it into the DSL modem/router and internet magically worked. So
    its networking is alive and running. But now how do I get it and the
    WinXP machine (let alone the *spit* Win7 box?) to see each other?

    You have to install and setup samba on your linux box, it has all the networking goodies windows expects.

    Have you tried the Knoppix live cd? That's what I use if I need a live CD. I usually put it on a usb drive so it runs a bit faster than from CD/DVD. You can boot it with command line options like TZ=America/Vancouver (or whatever you need) and what desktop you want to boot. You can choose between gnome, kde and lxde and maybe others I have forgotten.


    Ttyl :-),

    ... My modem isn't slow- it's "baudily challenged!"
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20130910
    # Origin: ILink: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (454:1/757)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From KY MOFFET@454:3/105 to ALAN IANSON on Monday, July 13, 2015 08:42:00
    ALAN IANSON wrote:
    Hello Ky,

    KM> Mint (Cinnamon) 17.2 -- Hmm. This one might be a keeper. For the very
    KM> first time, everything appears to work out of the box (except far as
    KM> can tell, it only sees one vidcard).

    Seems to be popular. You'll likely have to manually edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf with the setup for two video cards. I've only ever used one so I don't know the details.

    Ah. I'll look in there and see if anything makes sense. I'm not sure I actually have any use for 2 vidcards, but this particular motherboard
    has dedicated dual video slots, and someone gift me a matched pair of
    cards (which the motherboard requires for it to work; it doesn't like unmatched cards), so I figured this was a good place for 'em.

    That's probably where you can edit workspace colors too, in that
    neighborhood somewhere. There's no way to do it thru the GUI but I saw somewhere that it can be set manually. (Now to find the info again!) I
    can't use a white application workspace for very long (hurts my eyes),
    but none of the themes has anything else, other than the inverted white-on-black which wasn't really any better.

    KM> Plugged it into the DSL modem/router and internet magically worked.
    KM> its networking is alive and running. But now how do I get it and the
    KM> WinXP machine (let alone the *spit* Win7 box?) to see each other?

    You have to install and setup samba on your linux box, it has all the networking goodies windows expects.

    Okay. Should be listed in the package manager thingee, right?

    I detest Firefox but SeaMonkey was not listed, and for the life of me I couldn't make sense of the workaround "how to install" info I found. So
    I did what I'd do in Windows... downloaded and unzipped it, then just doubleclicked the main executable.

    And it RUNS! with no issues, far as I can tell.

    But now how do I make it a desktop icon, or better yet taskbar icon?
    (like Firefox and Terminal have)

    And can I move its directory from where I unzipped it, without breaking anything? (Location was kinda arbitrary because I didn't expect it to
    run.) It found my Home directory and made a profile for itself, and I
    suppose that will stay put regardless.

    The problem with all the Mint helpfiles and forum is that it either
    stops short of any real info, or assumes you already know the previous
    step. They're trying, and they've done really well at making stuff easy
    to use far as it goes, but don't seem to have actual experience in
    supporting newbies who want to learn what's going on in there without dedicating their lives to becoming *NIX gurus. :/

    Have you tried the Knoppix live cd? That's what I use if I need a live CD. I usually put it on a usb drive so it runs a bit faster than from CD/DVD. You can boot it with command line options like TZ=America/Vancouver (or whatever you need) and what desktop you want to boot. You can choose between gnome,
    and lxde and maybe others I have forgotten. http://knopper.net/knoppix/index-en.html

    Ah, thanks, I'd forgotten it exists. I don't recall seeing it on
    Distrowatch last week, but they're hardly an exhaustive list. I think I
    did use a Knoppix liveCD back some years, when I was prying files off a mangled hard disk and finding a LiveCD that could also write to a CD was
    not so easy (USB was still an Adventure). They seem to have a lot of
    versions now, I'll have to figure out which one I want to look at.

    ILink's own Peter Todd used to keep a really comprehensive distro list,
    but it seems to be no more. (Tho his name is on some documentation
    pages. Cool; he was like 11 years old when we first knew him!)

    I didn't care for LXDE last time I looked at it, but appears to have
    matured a lot since then.

    It would be nice to have a boot launcher that goes on a USB stick, and
    could pick from all the LiveCD ISOs stored on the stick and let you boot
    from any of them. Is there such a thing??

    .. My modem isn't slow- it's "baudily challenged!"

    Likely it needs to take some bits off. ;0

    Who knew this was such a baudy hobby? :D
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From KY MOFFET@454:3/105 to KY MOFFET on Monday, July 13, 2015 08:44:00
    KY MOFFET wrote:

    linux makes me mutter to myself:

    It would be nice to have a boot launcher that goes on a USB stick, and
    could pick from all the LiveCD ISOs stored on the stick and let you boot
    from any of them. Is there such a thing??

    Maybe this??

    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From ALAN IANSON@454:3/105 to KY MOFFET on Tuesday, July 14, 2015 11:52:00
    Hello Ky,

    Ah. I'll look in there and see if anything makes sense. I'm not sure I actually have any use for 2 vidcards, but this particular motherboard
    has dedicated dual video slots, and someone gift me a matched pair of cards (which the motherboard requires for it to work; it doesn't like unmatched cards), so I figured this was a good place for 'em.

    I don't think you need much in xorg.conf. I just put enough in mine to load
    the driver (nvidia in my case) so it loads that driver instead of the default, just about 10 lines or so. X.org uses default for the rest and it works good for me.

    There is also a GUI setup that is installed with the nvidia driver that can be used to setup your xorg.conf. IIRC there is a setup in there for more than one monitor but I have never used it.

    That's probably where you can edit workspace colors too, in that neighborhood somewhere. There's no way to do it thru the GUI but I saw somewhere that it can be set manually. (Now to find the info again!) I can't use a white application workspace for very long (hurts my eyes),
    but none of the themes has anything else, other than the inverted white-on-black which wasn't really any better.

    Maybe, but I don't think so. That'll likely need to be setup through your desktop.

    KM> its networking is alive and running. But now how do I get it and
    KM> WinXP machine (let alone the *spit* Win7 box?) to see each other?

    You have to install and setup samba on your linux box, it has all the
    networking goodies windows expects.

    Okay. Should be listed in the package manager thingee, right?

    Yes, a lot of desktop apps either depend on it, or will give you more functionality if it's installed (and configured). It's not as plug and play as windows, when I ran it it took a lot of edits to get things working.

    On slackware the package is simply samba, on some distos it's more modular and there is more than one samba-???? package depending on your needs/wants.

    I detest Firefox but SeaMonkey was not listed, and for the life of me
    couldn't make sense of the workaround "how to install" info I found. So
    I did what I'd do in Windows... downloaded and unzipped it, then just doubleclicked the main executable.

    That package might be called iceape (a debian thing).

    And it RUNS! with no issues, far as I can tell.

    Yep, you can do it that way, or sometimes I plonk things like that in /opt.

    But now how do I make it a desktop icon, or better yet taskbar icon?
    (like Firefox and Terminal have)

    The desktop files are all in /usr/share/applications. Those will be
    overwritten if you reinstall or update a package. I put my own desktop files in /usr/local/share/applications. Those will be included on your desktop in the same way as the others but won't be overwritten.

    You can also put desktop files in your home directoy like /home/kmoffet/.config/share/applications/iceape.desktop

    And can I move its directory from where I unzipped it, without
    anything? (Location was kinda arbitrary because I didn't expect it to run.) It found my Home directory and made a profile for itself, and I suppose that will stay put regardless.

    Probably/maybe! :)

    I usually unpack firefox or things like that in /opt. You can also use /etc, /usr/bin and the like if you want. I find it simpler to just unpack those type of things in /opt and create a desktop file for them with the full path to the exe in case I want to delete them later.. but as long as it works.. :)

    The problem with all the Mint helpfiles and forum is that it either
    stops short of any real info, or assumes you already know the previous step. They're trying, and they've done really well at making stuff easy
    to use far as it goes, but don't seem to have actual experience in supporting newbies who want to learn what's going on in there without dedicating their lives to becoming *NIX gurus. :/

    Yeah, I still have questions that I know are answered somewhere, but where?

    Have you tried the Knoppix live cd? That's what I use if I need a live
    I usually put it on a usb drive so it runs a bit faster than from CD/DVD.
    You can boot it with command line options like TZ=America/Vancouver (or
    whatever you need) and what desktop you want to boot. You can choose
    between gnome, kde and lxde and maybe others I have forgotten.

    Ah, thanks, I'd forgotten it exists. I don't recall seeing it on Distrowatch last week, but they're hardly an exhaustive list. I think I did use a Knoppix liveCD back some years, when I was prying files off a mangled hard disk and finding a LiveCD that could also write to a CD was not so easy (USB was still an Adventure). They seem to have a lot of versions now, I'll have to figure out which one I want to look at.

    It was the first (one of the first maybe) live CDs that worked. It has good hardware/system autodetection. I like to try live CDs from time to time and see a lot of failures but knoppix has always booted for me. I tried the ecs live os/2 cd a while ago. Looked promising but no network support for my box.

    ILink's own Peter Todd used to keep a really comprehensive distro
    but it seems to be no more. (Tho his name is on some documentation
    pages. Cool; he was like 11 years old when we first knew him!)

    I must have missed him. Maybe he'll post a new list one day.. :)

    I didn't care for LXDE last time I looked at it, but appears to have matured a lot since then.

    I use xfce and that is not included in Knoppix. That's the one thing that
    fails in knoppix for me. xfce is very lightweight like lxde but has a more conventional look. I like lxde too, but I prefer xfce.

    It would be nice to have a boot launcher that goes on a USB stick, and could pick from all the LiveCD ISOs stored on the stick and let you boot from any of them. Is there such a thing??

    There probably is a thing like that, if you can find it.. ;)

    .. My modem isn't slow- it's "baudily challenged!"

    Likely it needs to take some bits off. ;0

    I was thinking I should take those modem tags out of my tagline file.. but I just couldn't do it.. :)

    Ttyl :-),

    ... Don't argue with he who buys ink by the gallon.
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20130910
    # Origin: ILink: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (454:1/757)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From KY MOFFET@454:3/105 to ALAN IANSON on Tuesday, July 14, 2015 19:44:00
    ALAN IANSON wrote:
    Hello Ky,

    <looking around> Oh! Howdy!

    KM> Ah. I'll look in there and see if anything makes sense. I'm not sure
    KM> actually have any use for 2 vidcards, but this particular motherboard
    KM> has dedicated dual video slots, and someone gift me a matched pair of
    KM> cards (which the motherboard requires for it to work; it doesn't like
    KM> unmatched cards), so I figured this was a good place for 'em.

    I don't think you need much in xorg.conf. I just put enough in mine to load the driver (nvidia in my case) so it loads that driver instead of the
    just about 10 lines or so. X.org uses default for the rest and it works good for me.

    I don't even see a brand on these cards. Nor anything obvious on the
    BIOS boot screen either. Heatsink permanently attached over the main
    chip is not helpful.

    <boots into Mint>
    <looks in display settings hoping it IDs the vidcard>

    And.... at that point it locked up solid before display settings window finished loading up. No mouse, no keyboard response, no
    three-finger-salute, no HD activity, nothing. After a while I gave up
    and hit the reset switch, which seems to have totally killed Mint, cuz
    now it says:

    error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd1'
    (which would be the physical drive it lives on)

    and then

    entering rescue mode
    grub rescue>

    which looks like a prompt, and I can type at it, but isn't useful.

    ls lists the various hd* (filesystem), which isn't useful either.

    this apparently is the fixit process, http://askubuntu.com/questions/142300/fixing-grub-error-error-unknown-filesyste

    which I am not about to do.

    This looks saner http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wizard-restore-grub-with-rescatux/


    Any OS that can suicide from a lockup/reset is not stable enough to use. Especially when said gun-in-the-mouth lockup resulted from merely
    running one of its own internal functions.

    <stumps off muttering about how Windows has NEVER done that to me, and
    do we see yet why linux never got beyond 1% desktop-market penetration?>

    There is also a GUI setup that is installed with the nvidia driver that can
    used to setup your xorg.conf. IIRC there is a setup in there for more than
    monitor but I have never used it.

    It is (er, was) "using no proprietary drivers" and I don't know if
    nvidia is among those or not. There doesn't seem to be anything like
    Device Manager.

    KM> That's probably where you can edit workspace colors too, in that

    Maybe, but I don't think so. That'll likely need to be setup through your desktop.

    Been there, looked for that, asked someone on IRC, was told there IS no
    such place in the configuration doohickey, and they don't know about
    elsewhere either. I know KDE could do it, and I think Gnome did too, but Mint-Cinnamon does not.

    >> You have to install and setup samba on your linux box, it has all the
    >> networking goodies windows expects.
    KM> Okay. Should be listed in the package manager thingee, right?
    Yes, a lot of desktop apps either depend on it, or will give you more functionality if it's installed (and configured). It's not as plug and play
    windows, when I ran it it took a lot of edits to get things working.

    Turns out Samba was installed, but non-obvious. I installed a front end
    via the package manager and that made life easier, or at least it did
    things that looked like it made a network share. I hadn't got around to figuring out what I had to do on the WinBoxen yet.

    KM> I detest Firefox but SeaMonkey was not listed, and for the life of me
    KM> I
    KM> couldn't make sense of the workaround "how to install" info I found.
    KM> I did what I'd do in Windows... downloaded and unzipped it, then just
    KM> doubleclicked the main executable.

    That package might be called iceape (a debian thing).

    What the heck kind of name is Iceape??!

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozilla_Corporation_software_rebranded_by_the_Deb an_project

    KM> And it RUNS! with no issues, far as I can tell.
    Yep, you can do it that way, or sometimes I plonk things like that in /opt.

    If it's up to me, I'd make my own installed-software directory tree so I
    know where everything is.

    KM> But now how do I make it a desktop icon, or better yet taskbar icon?
    KM> (like Firefox and Terminal have)
    The desktop files are all in /usr/share/applications. Those will be overwritten if you reinstall or update a package. I put my own desktop files in /usr/local/share/applications. Those will be included on your desktop in the same way as the others but won't be overwritten.

    Oh. So I should look in there and see what's what. If it ever boots

    Yeah, I still have questions that I know are answered somewhere, but where?

    Nowhere obvious, that's for sure.

    >> http://knopper.net/knoppix/index-en.html
    KM> Ah, thanks, I'd forgotten it exists. I don't recall seeing it on
    It was the first (one of the first maybe) live CDs that worked. It has good hardware/system autodetection. I like to try live CDs from time to time and see a lot of failures but knoppix has always booted for me. I tried the ecs live os/2 cd a while ago. Looked promising but no network support for my

    That might be what I'm remembering, that it was better at making itself
    at home on strange hardware. And mine is stranger than most. <g>

    KM> ILink's own Peter Todd used to keep a really comprehensive distro
    KM> list,
    KM> but it seems to be no more. (Tho his name is on some documentation
    KM> pages. Cool; he was like 11 years old when we first knew him!)
    I must have missed him. Maybe he'll post a new list one day.. :)

    This is like 15 years ago by now!

    KM> It would be nice to have a boot launcher that goes on a USB stick,
    KM> could pick from all the LiveCD ISOs stored on the stick and let you
    KM> from any of them. Is there such a thing??
    There probably is a thing like that, if you can find it.. ;)

    Hahahaha. Find. Hahaha!

    >> .. My modem isn't slow- it's "baudily challenged!"
    KM> Likely it needs to take some bits off. ;0
    I was thinking I should take those modem tags out of my tagline file.. but I just couldn't do it.. :)

    Me neither!
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From ALAN IANSON@454:3/105 to KY MOFFET on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 12:16:00
    Hello Ky,

    error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd1'
    (which would be the physical drive it lives on)

    That is really bad news.

    and then

    entering rescue mode
    grub rescue>

    I've seen that before and could never do anything with it. When that happens I boot a live cd and try to reinstall grub. If that fails, mkfs.??? is the only solution I know.

    which looks like a prompt, and I can type at it, but isn't useful.

    Linux geeks can go there, but they don't want to.

    This looks saner http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wizard-restore-grub-with-rescatux/

    That looks better. ATM, I use slackware and if I need to boot from outside I use the install disk.

    Any OS that can suicide from a lockup/reset is not stable enough to use. Especially when said gun-in-the-mouth lockup resulted from merely
    running one of its own internal functions.

    Right, I wouldn't go any further.

    <stumps off muttering about how Windows has NEVER done that to me, and
    do we see yet why linux never got beyond 1% desktop-market penetration?>

    Not exactly marketing genius's are they! Maybe linux would do better if they charged $100.00 for the install disks.. :)

    It is (er, was) "using no proprietary drivers" and I don't know if
    nvidia is among those or not. There doesn't seem to be anything like Device Manager.

    Nvidia is proprietary. I use those drivers becuase I am a gamer and need them. There is also the nouveau driver for nvidia cards, it's open source and part of xorg. It works quite well but has no 3d accelleration. I have run it and tried to play a few games with it and it works quite well. On one of the maps in one of my games there is a dark corner with a metal elevator pad. When I use the nouveau driver that pad looks like a mirror with the sun shinning on it, ruins that map but overall it does good. I can see a day coming when I don't need the nvidia drivers.

    KM> That's probably where you can edit workspace colors too, in that

    Maybe, but I don't think so. That'll likely need to be setup through your

    Been there, looked for that, asked someone on IRC, was told there IS no such place in the configuration doohickey, and they don't know about elsewhere either. I know KDE could do it, and I think Gnome did too, but Mint-Cinnamon does not.

    Yep, gnome and kde have been around forever, very robust. Cinnamon not so much.. yet!

    >> You have to install and setup samba on your linux box, it has all
    >> networking goodies windows expects.
    KM> Okay. Should be listed in the package manager thingee, right?
    Yes, a lot of desktop apps either depend on it, or will give you more
    functionality if it's installed (and configured). It's not as plug and
    as windows, when I ran it it took a lot of edits to get things working.

    Turns out Samba was installed, but non-obvious. I installed a front end via the package manager and that made life easier, or at least it did things that looked like it made a network share. I hadn't got around to figuring out what I had to do on the WinBoxen yet.

    Probably nothing, if those windows boxes are already sharing.

    KM> I detest Firefox but SeaMonkey was not listed, and for the life
    KM> I
    KM> couldn't make sense of the workaround "how to install" info I
    KM> I did what I'd do in Windows... downloaded and unzipped it, then
    KM> doubleclicked the main executable.

    That package might be called iceape (a debian thing).

    What the heck kind of name is Iceape??!

    I have no idea where that came from. When I started using debian years ago firefox was firefox, then this...

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozilla_Corporation_software_rebranded_b y_the_De bian_project

    Then it was Iceweasel and still is.

    KM> And it RUNS! with no issues, far as I can tell.
    Yep, you can do it that way, or sometimes I plonk things like that in

    If it's up to me, I'd make my own installed-software directory tree so I know where everything is.

    Yep, that works. Places like /opt are good for making software available globally without giving anyone access to your home direcory.

    KM> But now how do I make it a desktop icon, or better yet taskbar
    KM> (like Firefox and Terminal have)
    The desktop files are all in /usr/share/applications. Those will be
    overwritten if you reinstall or update a package. I put my own desktop
    files in /usr/local/share/applications. Those will be included on your
    desktop in the same way as the others but won't be overwritten.

    Oh. So I should look in there and see what's what. If it ever boots again....

    Yep, once you have a look it'll be obvious (mostly). You need to use full
    paths to files not on your path.

    I must have missed him. Maybe he'll post a new list one day.. :)

    This is like 15 years ago by now!

    OK, he's discovered girls!

    Ttyl :-),

    ... My computer has a nut loose on the keyboard.
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20150715
    # Origin: ILink: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (454:1/757)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)