The real Narwhal
BARRY MARTIN@454:3/105 to
ALL on Friday, February 04, 2011 18:45:00
Happened to have lunch at the right time and channel-surfed to Masters
of the Arctic Ice on Iowa Public Television's World sub-channel. The
last half of the show was on the narwhal, which is the current version
of Ubuntu critter. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find a show number on
the website ( - February 4th, 10 a.m.)
As the show might be next-to-impossible to find locally without better
hints on how to find and view it, I'll list a few facts I found
interesting. The tusk, besides being used as the faux 'proof' for
unicorns, is really a tooth -- left front IIRC, and can extend to six
feet. A dentist (and normally he does work on humans) did all sorts of
tests to find out why the narwhal spent all this energy on one tooth
rather than expend it on multiple teeth or something which would seem
more sensible. It appears the tusk is a very sensitive instrument (and unfortunately I got interrupted at this point) to either one, multiple, or
all to temperature, pressure, and/or sonar-type echolocation. They also
found through the use of "critter cams" the narwhal will flip upside
down in order to get closer to the bottom of the ocean floor
(apparently to find food).
¯ ®
¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
¯ @MSN.COM ®
¯ ®
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