Hi Folks!
"Failure to download extra data files" with ttf-mscorefonts-installer on
Ubuntu 16.04
http://askubuntu.com/questions/766491/failure-to-download-extra-data-fil es-with-ttf-mscorefonts-installer-on-ubuntu
I've been getting this error. probably two or three times in the last
week or two. Appears is a problem with the Ubuntu servers, of which
they are aware and working on. The web page suggests a couple of
workarounds; at this point I'll let them fix their problem.
¯ ®
¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
¯ @Q.COM ®
¯ ®
... Two fonts walk into bar. Bartender says "We don't serve your type here." --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
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