• Cursor size - lead??

    From MIKE POWELL@454:3/105 to BARRY MARTIN on Saturday, November 05, 2016 17:48:00
    Switch to Linux: they're effectively all one huge drive! As for which

    Is this always true, or only if you set them up as a RAID? In the past, it seems like I had two USB sticks attached to my debian box and they were
    mounted in two different places. They were both plugged straight into the
    box, and not a USB hub, though.


    þ SLMR 2.1a þ ....we came in?
    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From KY MOFFET@454:3/105 to BARRY MARTIN on Saturday, November 05, 2016 17:01:00
    BARRY MARTIN wrote:
    Hi Ky!
    KM> Yeah, or once in a while one of the $3 hubs goes walkabout. Tho
    KM> the $30 hub is the one that doesn't like USB sticks. So the cheap
    KM> hubs hang off it instead. Now if only I could remember which
    KM> stick is which drive letter... <g>

    Switch to Linux: they're effectively all one huge drive! As for which

    Oooh, do I ever HATE that. I want to know which files go away if I
    unplug something.

    letter which thumbdrive is, small labels? Thinking of the price tag
    ones, about a 7/8th" long and 3/8" wide. Of course, if Windows keeps changing the drive letters when rebooted....

    Windows now puts a label on each and they stay put. :)

    As for the $30 hub not liking your USB thumbdrives - odd. Seems like
    there should be more than enough power available. Sort of reminds me

    Powered USB3 hub with 5 ports and two charging ports (which don't seem
    to work for data):
    1) long cable to wireless mouse dongle
    2) long cable to card reader and USB2 hub A
    3) long cable to powered USB2 hub B
    4) short cable to powered USB2 hub C
    5) long cable to 160GB external HD (no external power)

    Hub A: nothing connected cuz it only works when it feels like it

    Hub B (7 ports):
    1) to unpowered USB2 hub D
    2) flash drive
    3) flash drive
    4) flash drive

    Hub C (7 ports): not presently in use but mostly does come-and-go flash

    Hub D (3 ports):
    1) external 320gb HD with own power

    Practically need a map to keep track. :p And the external HDs are where
    they are cuz that was the only spot they liked. The 160GB is really
    cranky despite being a dedicated, designed-for external HD (and it's
    supposed to be plugged into two USB ports, but this makes it power on
    but not work). The 320GB is a salvaged laptop drive in a portable-HD
    case that was free cuz the eSATA port didn't work.

    when my original XT motherboard decided ti didn't like to connect at 1
    Gbps. Reboot, test, test. Connects fine at 100 MBps direct to the
    Router's LAN. Well, since to the outside world is only 100 Mbps guess
    is doens't really matter!

    I'm wondering by how much 100Mbps outstripped the XT's bus as it was!

    KM> I suppose so long as one machine can see the other, it's good.
    KM> Isn't this done by a sort of bogus networking?

    How a Virtual Machine works? No idea how they do the magic.

    I should, since I used to go to VMWare seminars, but I've forgotten. <g>

    KM> Haha... in summer it goes the other way, since that cold river
    KM> keeps the air around it cool. But not enough to make up for the
    KM> bogus readings in winter. (10 degrees vs up to 60 degrees)

    So how come now one has heard of this "air conditioned island"
    phenomenon? <g>

    Why do you think islands are expensive? <g>

    KM> <g> I don't know how it got named that. It apparently started life, in
    KM> 1920, as a very small (15x26) house that got framed (with the
    KM> 2x4s sideways!) but never finished, then was moved over here when
    KM> the highway got shifted. It probably got banged very hard and not
    KM> too safely when it was unloaded! The wonder is that it's
    KM> perfectly square.

    They probably put the 2x4's in the wrong way to maximize the square
    footage inside the house!!

    Which seems a bit silly... just make the thing four inches wider and you
    get to have proper walls that you can actually insulate!

    KM> One neighbor says a house got moved from HERE and another points
    KM> to over THERE and finally figured out the confusion is because
    KM> TWO houses got moved! (the shotgun shack, and the rental house.)
    KM> You can still see the outline from one of 'em on the ground over
    KM> yonder, some 50 years later.

    Big dent where they dropped it as they were loading? <g> I vaguely

    Nah, it was built in 1920 so it had been there 40-50 years already. And
    STILL was never finished. Outside is tarpapered and has chicken wire for stucco, but there's only stucco on part of one wall!

    recall a house being moved to the lot across the street where I grew up.

    I've seen a fullsized barn and a fairly large (half-block) brick
    building being moved. Quite an impressive operation. The barn was on
    land that got made into a park and it cost the guy $25 for the barn and
    $8000 to move it, which was still a steal. And a whole bunch of classic
    2 story houses NW of Bozeman were moved out there when someone decided
    to buy up and renovate <?> one of the older neighborhoods. Guy was a
    house mover by profession and owned the lots they went to, so made a
    killing on 'em.

    Two story house and some of the overhead lines had to be disconnected.
    Must have done an excellent job as I was inside a few times (did some yardwork) and they had the table lamp cords routed down the inside opf
    the table legs! Yes, she had someone drill holes down the furniture so
    the cords wouldn't show! (There were also in-floor outlets.)

    That's old-timey!

    KM> Not terribly accurate. And such stuff that I've observed actually
    KM> follows sunspot cycles. While that's vaguely associated with
    KM> climate, there's a lot of lag.

    Seems logical: sun has a known cycle, takes a litle bit to warm things
    up and keep them warm (same to cool down and keep cool). Wonder if the official meteorologists learn that?

    And the earth's orbit has several wobble cycles that intersect, which
    have been roundly ignored...
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From BARRY MARTIN@454:3/105 to KY MOFFET on Sunday, November 06, 2016 07:35:00
    Hi Ky!

    KM> Yeah, or once in a while one of the $3 hubs goes walkabout. Tho
    KM> the $30 hub is the one that doesn't like USB sticks. So the cheap
    KM> hubs hang off it instead. Now if only I could remember which
    KM> stick is which drive letter... <g>
    Switch to Linux: they're effectively all one huge drive! As for which
    Oooh, do I ever HATE that. I want to know which files go away if
    I unplug something.

    Weel, I didn't phrase that/explain it fully, mainly because I'll still
    figuring it out. The thumbdrives are added as a subdirectory, something
    like /media/barry/adata. Not quite sure how it distinguishes multiple thumbdrives. When you do a backup of the system it will backup the
    attached thumbdrives; just exclude that directory.

    Networked drives, CD's, etc., are considered differently and so not part
    of that mega-drive.

    letter which thumbdrive is, small labels? Thinking of the price tag
    ones, about a 7/8th" long and 3/8" wide. Of course, if Windows keeps changing the drive letters when rebooted....
    Windows now puts a label on each and they stay put. :)

    Electronic label, yes. Was thinking something a little more easily
    human readable.

    As for the $30 hub not liking your USB thumbdrives - odd. Seems like
    there should be more than enough power available. Sort of reminds me
    Powered USB3 hub with 5 ports and two charging ports (which don't
    seem to work for data):
    1) long cable to wireless mouse dongle
    2) long cable to card reader and USB2 hub A
    3) long cable to powered USB2 hub B
    4) short cable to powered USB2 hub C
    5) long cable to 160GB external HD (no external power)

    Hub A: nothing connected cuz it only works when it feels like it

    Have you tried swapping out the connecting cable? I had a temporary run
    for the USB camera to monitor the granddaughter while she naps. Re-ran
    using different cables through the floors of the closets to hid the
    wiring. New run had problems; once USB cable was 'skinny'; swapped that
    one out and worked fine. Even if the cable is the 'fat' kind I'd
    test-swap: back in my computer selling days at the store customer had a
    problem -- forgot what it was but one of the pins hadn't been fully
    inserted during manufacture so either wasn't making contact or was
    making intermittent contact.

    Also thinking the possibility the cable run might be too long? One too
    many USB connections? And is Hub A plugged in to the card reader?
    Might be the card reader's fault, though seems like you would have
    caught that.

    Hub B (7 ports):
    1) to unpowered USB2 hub D
    2) flash drive
    3) flash drive
    4) flash drive

    Hub C (7 ports): not presently in use but mostly does come-and-go
    flash sticks

    Hub D (3 ports):
    1) external 320gb HD with own power

    Practically need a map to keep track. :p

    Really!! Thought some of my stuff was convoluted! (No wonder I like

    And the external HDs
    are where they are cuz that was the only spot they liked. The
    160GB is really cranky despite being a dedicated, designed-for
    external HD (and it's supposed to be plugged into two USB ports,
    but this makes it power on but not work).

    Good Grief! <chuckle> I haven't run into that problem (yet!). I more
    or less had the opposite problem: the semi-antique USB 2 scanner is not powered, obtaining its power from the USB cable (one port). Works fine,
    though always thought it sounded a little strained as the transport
    moves. Had it on a powered USB 3 Hub and it sounded much peppier.
    (It's back to being plugged in to the rear panel of this computer's USB 2
    port -- got to build the new system!)

    The 320GB is a salvaged
    laptop drive in a portable-HD case that was free cuz the eSATA
    port didn't work.

    Free is good! :)

    when my original XT motherboard decided ti didn't like to connect at 1
    Gbps. Reboot, test, test. Connects fine at 100 MBps direct to the
    Router's LAN. Well, since to the outside world is only 100 Mbps guess
    is doens't really matter!
    I'm wondering by how much 100Mbps outstripped the XT's bus as it

    Ah poo! X_P_! ...Wonder how the XT would have reacted to that network
    speed? I did upgrade the CPU and install IDE HDD.

    KM> I suppose so long as one machine can see the other, it's good.
    KM> Isn't this done by a sort of bogus networking?
    How a Virtual Machine works? No idea how they do the magic.
    I should, since I used to go to VMWare seminars, but I've
    forgotten. <g>

    Forgotten what? <gg> I've never been systematically trained in this
    stuff so my knowledge is patched together. Some times lots of Googling!

    KM> Haha... in summer it goes the other way, since that cold river
    KM> keeps the air around it cool. But not enough to make up for the
    KM> bogus readings in winter. (10 degrees vs up to 60 degrees)
    So how come now one has heard of this "air conditioned island"
    phenomenon? <g>
    Why do you think islands are expensive? <g>

    Ah! I think you just supplied the clue as to why one of the local
    islands in the Mississippi River was recently abandoned by humans! (If
    you're really bored look up Sylvan Island on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River.)

    KM> <g> I don't know how it got named that. It apparently started life,
    KM> 1920, as a very small (15x26) house that got framed (with the
    KM> 2x4s sideways!) but never finished, then was moved over here when
    KM> the highway got shifted. It probably got banged very hard and not
    KM> too safely when it was unloaded! The wonder is that it's
    KM> perfectly square.
    They probably put the 2x4's in the wrong way to maximize the square
    footage inside the house!!
    Which seems a bit silly... just make the thing four inches wider
    and you get to have proper walls that you can actually insulate!

    Maybe at one time it was located in a heat island.... I might be
    looking in to spray insulating foam to squirt in, though if there's any
    sort of insulation in the walls currently will probably not dispurse correctly. Add an insulating layer to the outside?? Probably problem
    with the window and door trim.

    KM> One neighbor says a house got moved from HERE and another points
    KM> to over THERE and finally figured out the confusion is because
    KM> TWO houses got moved! (the shotgun shack, and the rental house.)
    KM> You can still see the outline from one of 'em on the ground over
    KM> yonder, some 50 years later.
    Big dent where they dropped it as they were loading? <g> I vaguely
    Nah, it was built in 1920 so it had been there 40-50 years
    already. And STILL was never finished. Outside is tarpapered and
    has chicken wire for stucco, but there's only stucco on part of
    one wall!

    Sounds like Round TuIt Project!

    recall a house being moved to the lot across the street where I grew up.
    I've seen a fullsized barn and a fairly large (half-block) brick
    building being moved. Quite an impressive operation. The barn was
    on land that got made into a park and it cost the guy $25 for the
    barn and $8000 to move it, which was still a steal. And a whole
    bunch of classic 2 story houses NW of Bozeman were moved out
    there when someone decided to buy up and renovate <?> one of the
    older neighborhoods. Guy was a house mover by profession and
    owned the lots they went to, so made a killing on 'em.

    I guess he did!

    Two story house and some of the overhead lines had to be disconnected.
    Must have done an excellent job as I was inside a few times (did some yardwork) and they had the table lamp cords routed down the inside opf
    the table legs! Yes, she had someone drill holes down the furniture so
    the cords wouldn't show! (There were also in-floor outlets.)
    That's old-timey!

    Really? Never heard or anyone drilling holes in the furniture for a
    cord run. Or were you referring to in-floor outlets? I'm not recalling
    those in a residence either; stores, sure. ...Have seen some
    non-standard positioning of outlets in older houses.

    KM> Not terribly accurate. And such stuff that I've observed actually
    KM> follows sunspot cycles. While that's vaguely associated with
    KM> climate, there's a lot of lag.
    Seems logical: sun has a known cycle, takes a litle bit to warm things
    up and keep them warm (same to cool down and keep cool). Wonder if the official meteorologists learn that?
    And the earth's orbit has several wobble cycles that intersect,
    which have been roundly ignored...

    'Cause easier to model with a _round_ path! <rs!>

    ...When I was living in southern NH with my parents the weather
    forecasts were frequently way off. About 45 miles south was Boston; wx tempered by the Atlantic Ocean; about 30 miles north was Concord (NH),
    just getting in to the White Mountains. Parents had friends living near Albany, NY (~175 miles west), and would wonder what weather they were
    having. Soon noticed a pattern: we'd usually get what they had about 20
    hours later. Our predictions were more accurate than the official ones
    from NWS!

    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @Q.COM ®
    ¯ ®

    ... Fission: What Huck Finn did when he played hookey
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
    þ wcECHO 4.2 ÷ ILink: The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From BARRY MARTIN@454:3/105 to MIKE POWELL on Monday, November 07, 2016 07:23:00
    Hi Mike!

    Switch to Linux: they're effectively all one huge drive! As for which
    Is this always true, or only if you set them up as a RAID? In
    the past, it seems like I had two USB sticks attached to my
    debian box and they were mounted in two different places. They
    were both plugged straight into the box, and not a USB hub,

    Well Mike, LIS to Ky yesterday, I'm still learning the OS probably
    didn't epclain things quite right. Here the USB drives get inserted and
    an icon pops up in the taskbar, Same with a USB harddrive. So the data
    on the devices is separate from the internal HDD (and from each other).
    To get data from those external devices I have to click on them
    specifically (icon or the directory listing menu); to put data on them I
    again have to state where to peposit. So in that sense they are separate.

    When making a backup the attached thumbdrives are considered as part of
    the 'one huge HDD', but the external hard drives are not. Easy enough
    to exclude from the backup.

    Networked devices are also separate.

    Hopefully that cleared up the mess I started!

    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @Q.COM ®
    ¯ ®

    ... I used to work in a blanket factory, but it folded.
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
    þ wcECHO 4.2 ÷ ILink: The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From KY MOFFET@454:3/105 to BARRY MARTIN on Saturday, November 12, 2016 08:43:00
    BARRY MARTIN wrote:
    Hi Ky!

    > Switch to Linux: they're effectively all one huge drive! As for which
    KM> Oooh, do I ever HATE that. I want to know which files go away if
    KM> I unplug something.

    Weel, I didn't phrase that/explain it fully, mainly because I'll still figuring it out. The thumbdrives are added as a subdirectory, something
    like /media/barry/adata. Not quite sure how it distinguishes multiple

    Oh, that's more like a path, not a combined drive.

    KM> Windows now puts a label on each and they stay put. :)

    Electronic label, yes. Was thinking something a little more easily
    human readable.

    This is what the Sharpie is for. Unfortunately, some of 'em are black
    and others suffer from degenerative handwriting disease. <g>

    KM> Hub A: nothing connected cuz it only works when it feels like it

    Have you tried swapping out the connecting cable? I had a temporary run

    It's had various cables attached and been plugged in directly and it's
    still cranky. It's old, was salvage, and is still hooked up because the cardreader part works tho the USB ports usually don't. And then only cuz Bullet's card-reader-in-a-drive-bay quit. (It claims it's working, but
    it doesn't read anymore.) And then only because the $20 Kodak camera is
    really stupid about USB, so I'd just pull the card and read directly
    from that instead. Since some dog helped break the Kodak (it still works
    but you have to rubberband the battery compartment) the cardreader no
    longer really necessary, but, still there. <g>

    for the USB camera to monitor the granddaughter while she naps. Re-ran
    using different cables through the floors of the closets to hid the
    wiring. New run had problems; once USB cable was 'skinny'; swapped that

    Hate those. Seen more that don't work than do work.

    making intermittent contact.

    That's the problem with my laptop's USB ports... the teeny tiny wires to
    'em pass along the HD bay such that they get wanked if you replace the
    HD, which was required by the fact that it had none <g> so there is much wiggling to get the USB mouse to work. (We hates touchpads, we
    HATESSSSSSSS them!) Once it finally makes contact it seems to stay
    working, at least til I reboot. Thought it was TinyXP having a USB fail,
    cuz it's got some known issues in that dept, but nope, it was the hardware.

    KM> Practically need a map to keep track. :p

    Really!! Thought some of my stuff was convoluted! (No wonder I like

    LOL! You shoulda seen the map (which I actually made, because it was so comical) of surge protector, phoneline splitters, answering machine,
    phone, fax, and modems. There were 6 or 7 layers of cables plugged in
    before you finally got to the phone, which was dead last on the chain
    because it was the only thing without a pass-thru port. <g>

    KM> And the external HDs
    KM> are where they are cuz that was the only spot they liked. The
    KM> 160GB is really cranky despite being a dedicated, designed-for
    KM> external HD (and it's supposed to be plugged into two USB ports,
    KM> but this makes it power on but not work).

    Good Grief! <chuckle> I haven't run into that problem (yet!). I more

    I've seen that a couple times with externals. The concoct-an-external
    drive does it other way round -- is not supposed to require external
    power, but doesn't work reliably without it.

    And of course there was "what do you mean the wireless mouse doesn't
    work unless its dongle is right next to it??" which is why THAT is on a
    long cable instead of over on the port where it belongs. <g>

    or less had the opposite problem: the semi-antique USB 2 scanner is not powered, obtaining its power from the USB cable (one port). Works fine, though always thought it sounded a little strained as the transport
    moves. Had it on a powered USB 3 Hub and it sounded much peppier.

    Geez yeah, hard to imagine USB powering that motor. I try not to let
    anything draw from USB port if it can have its own... especially since a
    lot of hubs have X-much total and share it among all the ports like a
    tightwad (instead of having dedicated level for each port, like a sound economy), making stuff sometimes not work.

    (It's back to being plugged in to the rear panel of this computer's USB 2 port -- got to build the new system!)

    Oh, I think the printer is plugged in there. <g>

    KM> The 320GB is a salvaged
    KM> laptop drive in a portable-HD case that was free cuz the eSATA
    KM> port didn't work.

    Free is good! :)

    The HD was marked "Dead". I've been using it for... five years now?? and
    the case was from Geeks just before they stopped selling retail.
    Reported the problem and they just refunded it and said keep the case.

    KM> I'm wondering by how much 100Mbps outstripped the XT's bus as it
    KM> was!

    Ah poo! X_P_! ...Wonder how the XT would have reacted to that network speed? I did upgrade the CPU and install IDE HDD.

    I've thought about doing that for the 286 just to see how it would do, compared to the old MFM drive, but this would require finding an IDE
    card with marked jumpers, since otherwise that's an Adventure. And a HD
    that speaks to it. Of course I've got that 20mb antique (very early
    Western Digital) IDE that won't speak to anything newer than a 386... a
    little slow by modern standards but hey, so is the 286. <g>

    Sorry I didn't keep the souped-up XT when I moved... it had VGA, mathco,
    extra RAM, and for an XT, ran like the wind. VGA instead of monochrome
    made a huge difference.

    > KM> Haha... in summer it goes the other way, since that cold river
    > KM> keeps the air around it cool. But not enough to make up for the
    > KM> bogus readings in winter. (10 degrees vs up to 60 degrees)
    > So how come now one has heard of this "air conditioned island"
    > phenomenon? <g>
    KM> Why do you think islands are expensive? <g>

    Ah! I think you just supplied the clue as to why one of the local
    islands in the Mississippi River was recently abandoned by humans! (If you're really bored look up Sylvan Island on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River.)

    Cuz the bridge is out? :)


    Side rant: an awful lot of this "crumbling infrastructure" ISN'T. For
    the most part it's perfectly good, just not built to current standards
    (my Cynical Little Voice adds: but rebuilding it would be a huge win...
    for unions and the construction industry, if not for taxpayers). And if
    it hasn't fallen down in 114 years, it's unlikely to just because
    someone walks over it.

    > They probably put the 2x4's in the wrong way to maximize the square
    > footage inside the house!!
    KM> Which seems a bit silly... just make the thing four inches wider
    KM> and you get to have proper walls that you can actually insulate!

    Maybe at one time it was located in a heat island.... I might be

    Haha, I doubt it. It was built in 1920.

    looking in to spray insulating foam to squirt in, though if there's any
    sort of insulation in the walls currently will probably not dispurse correctly. Add an insulating layer to the outside?? Probably problem
    with the window and door trim.

    Walls are just naked 2x4s with plywood on the outside. It'll probably
    never be anything but a shop, so disinclined to drastic measures. The
    exterior does need to be finished one of these years, tho.

    Sounds like Round TuIt Project!


    > Two story house and some of the overhead lines had to be disconnected.
    > Must have done an excellent job as I was inside a few times (did some
    > yardwork) and they had the table lamp cords routed down the inside opf
    > the table legs! Yes, she had someone drill holes down the furniture so
    > the cords wouldn't show! (There were also in-floor outlets.)
    KM> That's old-timey!

    Really? Never heard or anyone drilling holes in the furniture for a
    cord run. Or were you referring to in-floor outlets? I'm not recalling

    Both :)

    those in a residence either; stores, sure. ...Have seen some
    non-standard positioning of outlets in older houses.

    This house was built in 19509 so you'd think within screaming distance
    of modern, right? Apparently they used salvaged electrical... except for
    a couple that have been replaced it has those ROUND outlets (the plug
    has prongs set in a circle and you twist it to secure it in the socket).
    WTF?? those went out when, 1920??

    KM> And the earth's orbit has several wobble cycles that intersect,
    KM> which have been roundly ignored...

    'Cause easier to model with a _round_ path! <rs!>

    Not to mention leaving out everything else that didn't fit the narrative...

    ..When I was living in southern NH with my parents the weather
    forecasts were frequently way off. About 45 miles south was Boston; wx

    NWS is usually pretty good now. Satellite coverage made a big difference.

    tempered by the Atlantic Ocean; about 30 miles north was Concord (NH),
    just getting in to the White Mountains. Parents had friends living near Albany, NY (~175 miles west), and would wonder what weather they were
    having. Soon noticed a pattern: we'd usually get what they had about 20 hours later. Our predictions were more accurate than the official ones
    from NWS!

    Odd one here: I'm a mile south of the refinery. Usually can't smell it.
    But twice I have... and both days, it hailed. Aha! a clue!!
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From BARRY MARTIN@454:3/105 to KY MOFFET on Sunday, November 13, 2016 08:12:00
    KY MOFFET wrote to BARRY MARTIN <=-

    BARRY MARTIN wrote:
    Hi Ky!

    > Switch to Linux: they're effectively all one huge drive! As for which
    KM> Oooh, do I ever HATE that. I want to know which files go away if
    KM> I unplug something.

    Weel, I didn't phrase that/explain it fully, mainly because I'll still figuring it out. The thumbdrives are added as a subdirectory, something like /media/barry/adata. Not quite sure how it distinguishes multiple

    Oh, that's more like a path, not a combined drive.

    KM> Windows now puts a label on each and they stay put. :)

    Electronic label, yes. Was thinking something a little more easily
    human readable.

    This is what the Sharpie is for. Unfortunately, some of 'em are
    black and others suffer from degenerative handwriting disease.

    KM> Hub A: nothing connected cuz it only works when it feels like it

    Have you tried swapping out the connecting cable? I had a temporary run

    It's had various cables attached and been plugged in directly and
    it's still cranky. It's old, was salvage, and is still hooked up
    because the cardreader part works tho the USB ports usually
    don't. And then only cuz Bullet's card-reader-in-a-drive-bay
    quit. (It claims it's working, but it doesn't read anymore.) And
    then only because the $20 Kodak camera is really stupid about
    USB, so I'd just pull the card and read directly from that
    instead. Since some dog helped break the Kodak (it still works
    but you have to rubberband the battery compartment) the
    cardreader no longer really necessary, but, still there. <g>

    for the USB camera to monitor the granddaughter while she naps. Re-ran
    using different cables through the floors of the closets to hid the
    wiring. New run had problems; once USB cable was 'skinny'; swapped that

    Hate those. Seen more that don't work than do work.

    making intermittent contact.

    That's the problem with my laptop's USB ports... the teeny tiny
    wires to 'em pass along the HD bay such that they get wanked if
    you replace the HD, which was required by the fact that it had
    none <g> so there is much wiggling to get the USB mouse to work.
    (We hates touchpads, we HATESSSSSSSS them!) Once it finally makes
    contact it seems to stay working, at least til I reboot. Thought
    it was TinyXP having a USB fail, cuz it's got some known issues
    in that dept, but nope, it was the hardware.

    KM> Practically need a map to keep track. :p

    Really!! Thought some of my stuff was convoluted! (No wonder I like

    LOL! You shoulda seen the map (which I actually made, because it
    was so comical) of surge protector, phoneline splitters,
    answering machine, phone, fax, and modems. There were 6 or 7
    layers of cables plugged in before you finally got to the phone,
    which was dead last on the chain because it was the only thing
    without a pass-thru port. <g>

    KM> And the external HDs
    KM> are where they are cuz that was the only spot they liked. The
    KM> 160GB is really cranky despite being a dedicated, designed-for
    KM> external HD (and it's supposed to be plugged into two USB ports,
    KM> but this makes it power on but not work).

    Good Grief! <chuckle> I haven't run into that problem (yet!). I more

    I've seen that a couple times with externals. The
    concoct-an-external drive does it other way round -- is not
    supposed to require external power, but doesn't work reliably
    without it.

    And of course there was "what do you mean the wireless mouse
    doesn't work unless its dongle is right next to it??" which is
    why THAT is on a long cable instead of over on the port where it
    belongs. <g>

    or less had the opposite problem: the semi-antique USB 2 scanner is not powered, obtaining its power from the USB cable (one port). Works fine, though always thought it sounded a little strained as the transport
    moves. Had it on a powered USB 3 Hub and it sounded much peppier.

    Geez yeah, hard to imagine USB powering that motor. I try not to
    let anything draw from USB port if it can have its own...
    especially since a lot of hubs have X-much total and share it
    among all the ports like a tightwad (instead of having dedicated
    level for each port, like a sound economy), making stuff
    sometimes not work.

    (It's back to being plugged in to the rear panel of this computer's USB 2 port -- got to build the new system!)

    Oh, I think the printer is plugged in there. <g>

    KM> The 320GB is a salvaged
    KM> laptop drive in a portable-HD case that was free cuz the eSATA
    KM> port didn't work.

    Free is good! :)

    The HD was marked "Dead". I've been using it for... five years
    now?? and the case was from Geeks just before they stopped
    selling retail. Reported the problem and they just refunded it
    and said keep the case.

    KM> I'm wondering by how much 100Mbps outstripped the XT's bus as it
    KM> was!

    Ah poo! X_P_! ...Wonder how the XT would have reacted to that network speed? I did upgrade the CPU and install IDE HDD.

    I've thought about doing that for the 286 just to see how it
    would do, compared to the old MFM drive, but this would require
    finding an IDE card with marked jumpers, since otherwise that's
    an Adventure. And a HD that speaks to it. Of course I've got that
    20mb antique (very early Western Digital) IDE that won't speak to
    anything newer than a 386... a little slow by modern standards
    but hey, so is the 286. <g>

    Sorry I didn't keep the souped-up XT when I moved... it had VGA,
    mathco, extra RAM, and for an XT, ran like the wind. VGA instead
    of monochrome made a huge difference.

    > KM> Haha... in summer it goes the other way, since that cold river
    > KM> keeps the air around it cool. But not enough to make up for the
    > KM> bogus readings in winter. (10 degrees vs up to 60 degrees)
    > So how come now one has heard of this "air conditioned island"
    > phenomenon? <g>
    KM> Why do you think islands are expensive? <g>

    Ah! I think you just supplied the clue as to why one of the local
    islands in the Mississippi River was recently abandoned by humans! (If you're really bored look up Sylvan Island on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River.)

    Cuz the bridge is out? :)


    Side rant: an awful lot of this "crumbling infrastructure" ISN'T.
    For the most part it's perfectly good, just not built to current
    standards (my Cynical Little Voice adds: but rebuilding it would
    be a huge win... for unions and the construction industry, if not
    for taxpayers). And if it hasn't fallen down in 114 years, it's
    unlikely to just because someone walks over it.

    > They probably put the 2x4's in the wrong way to maximize the square
    > footage inside the house!!
    KM> Which seems a bit silly... just make the thing four inches wider
    KM> and you get to have proper walls that you can actually insulate!

    Maybe at one time it was located in a heat island.... I might be

    Haha, I doubt it. It was built in 1920.

    looking in to spray insulating foam to squirt in, though if there's any
    sort of insulation in the walls currently will probably not dispurse correctly. Add an insulating layer to the outside?? Probably problem
    with the window and door trim.

    Walls are just naked 2x4s with plywood on the outside. It'll
    probably never be anything but a shop, so disinclined to drastic
    measures. The exterior does need to be finished one of these
    years, tho.

    Sounds like Round TuIt Project!


    > Two story house and some of the overhead lines had to be disconnected.
    > Must have done an excellent job as I was inside a few times (did some
    > yardwork) and they had the table lamp cords routed down the inside opf
    > the table legs! Yes, she had someone drill holes down the furniture so
    > the cords wouldn't show! (There were also in-floor outlets.)
    KM> That's old-timey!

    Really? Never heard or anyone drilling holes in the furniture for a
    cord run. Or were you referring to in-floor outlets? I'm not recalling

    Both :)

    those in a residence either; stores, sure. ...Have seen some
    non-standard positioning of outlets in older houses.

    This house was built in 19509 so you'd think within screaming
    distance of modern, right? Apparently they used salvaged
    electrical... except for a couple that have been replaced it has
    those ROUND outlets (the plug has prongs set in a circle and you
    twist it to secure it in the socket). WTF?? those went out when,

    KM> And the earth's orbit has several wobble cycles that intersect,
    KM> which have been roundly ignored...

    'Cause easier to model with a _round_ path! <rs!>

    Not to mention leaving out everything else that didn't fit the narrative...

    ..When I was living in southern NH with my parents the weather
    forecasts were frequently way off. About 45 miles south was Boston; wx

    NWS is usually pretty good now. Satellite coverage made a big

    tempered by the Atlantic Ocean; about 30 miles north was Concord (NH),
    just getting in to the White Mountains. Parents had friends living near Albany, NY (~175 miles west), and would wonder what weather they were having. Soon noticed a pattern: we'd usually get what they had about 20 hours later. Our predictions were more accurate than the official ones
    from NWS!

    Odd one here: I'm a mile south of the refinery. Usually can't
    smell it. But twice I have... and both days, it hailed. Aha! a

    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @Q.COM ®
    ¯ ®

    ... I hail from Maryland. Where in hail you from?
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
    þ wcECHO 4.2 ÷ ILink: The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From Ky Moffet@454:1/1 to Barry Martin on Sunday, October 01, 2017 21:13:00
    BARRY MARTIN wrote:
    Hi Ky!

    Know it was you but can't recall if for Windows or Unix:

    How to change the cursor size in Ubuntu 14 (and I'd presume 16.04 too):

    I have found how to change it in Mozilla!
    Create a new item in about:config, to wit:

    ui.caretWidth - integer - [value]

    It works!
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    * Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)
  • From Barry Martin@454:1/1 to Ky Moffet on Monday, October 02, 2017 06:59:00

    Hi Ky!

    Know it was you but can't recall if for Windows or Unix:

    How to change the cursor size in Ubuntu 14 (and I'd presume 16.04 too):

    I have found how to change it in Mozilla!
    Create a new item in about:config, to wit:

    ui.caretWidth - integer - [value]

    It works!

    Great! I've kept a note and will pass it on to my friend in Michigan.

    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @Q.COM ®
    ¯ ®

    ... Computer Cooking: CURSOR: Who you are after crashing
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
    þ wcECHO 4.2 ÷ ILink: The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    * Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)
  • From BARRY MARTIN@454:3/105 to KY MOFFETT on Thursday, August 18, 2016 08:40:00
    Hi Ky!

    Know it was you but can't recall if for Windows or Unix:

    How to change the cursor size in Ubuntu 14 (and I'd presume 16.04 too):


    S.N.: The speed of the mouse pointer is controlled in Settings > Mouse
    but the rate of the blinky cursor is in Settings > Keyboard.

    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @Q.COM ®
    ¯ ®

    ... Computer Cooking: CURSOR: Who you are after crashing
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
    þ wcECHO 4.2 ÷ ILink: The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From KY MOFFET@454:3/105 to BARRY MARTIN on Monday, August 22, 2016 23:11:00
    BARRY MARTIN wrote:
    Hi Ky!

    Know it was you but can't recall if for Windows or Unix:

    Winders, but within individual apps that don't use the Windows cursor.
    Which is a durn lot of 'em!

    How to change the cursor size in Ubuntu 14 (and I'd presume 16.04 too):


    Useful if a person runs Gnome...

    ... which in its current incarnation resembles a giant cellphone, and no
    Gnome distro will never be downloaded by me again. *shudder*

    I did like PCLinuxOS "FullMonty" when last I looked. Tho am not thrilled
    with KDE5 (I liked 4.x)
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From ALAN IANSON@454:3/105 to KY MOFFET on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 12:57:00
    Tuesday August 23 2016 00:11, you wrote to Barry Martin:

    Useful if a person runs Gnome...

    ... which in its current incarnation resembles a giant cellphone, and
    no Gnome distro will never be downloaded by me again. *shudder*

    I did like PCLinuxOS "FullMonty" when last I looked. Tho am not
    thrilled with KDE5 (I liked 4.x)

    It's it odd how things change over time?

    There was a time when I would have both gnome and kde installed and would use either one. They were both rock solid and stable.

    I haven't used either in a very long time but I suppose they are stable, I dunno.

    For the last many years I have used xfce and really don't think about other desktops anymore.

    Ttyl :-),

    ... Ask not for whom the bell tolls; let the machine get it.
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20160322
    # Origin: ILink: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (454:1/757)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From BARRY MARTIN@454:3/105 to KY MOFFET on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 06:24:00
    Hi Ky!

    Know it was you but can't recall if for Windows or Unix:
    Winders, but within individual apps that don't use the Windows
    cursor. Which is a durn lot of 'em!

    OK; knew it was one or the other. <g>

    How to change the cursor size in Ubuntu 14 (and I'd presume 16.04 too): http://askubuntu.com/questions/589881/changing-the-cursor-size-in-ubuntu
    Useful if a person runs Gnome...

    Not terribly useful for a person runnign Windows! <g>

    and no Gnome distro will never be downloaded by me again. *shudder*

    LIS some time before (I think), I switched to and am using Ubuntu mainly because of the using Mythbuntu for years as the network-based PVR around
    here. Some 'quirks', yes.

    I did like PCLinuxOS "FullMonty" when last I looked. Tho am not
    thrilled with KDE5 (I liked 4.x)

    In your spare time you'll have to write your own OS and I and a few
    others here will beta test for you! Desktop background can be the view
    of the Rockies from your front yard, Mouse pointer can be modified to
    one of your dogs....

    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @Q.COM ®
    ¯ ®

    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
    þ wcECHO 4.2 ÷ ILink: The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From KY MOFFET@454:3/105 to ALAN IANSON on Monday, September 12, 2016 13:36:00
    ALAN IANSON wrote:
    Tuesday August 23 2016 00:11, you wrote to Barry Martin:
    KM> I did like PCLinuxOS "FullMonty" when last I looked. Tho am not
    KM> thrilled with KDE5 (I liked 4.x)

    It's it odd how things change over time?

    Yeah... I'm really tired of this desktop thing where they improve it til
    they get it right (WinXP, KDE4) then improve it some more, til it's
    unusable. Just stop changing stuff for the sake of "progress" already!!

    There was a time when I would have both gnome and kde installed and would
    either one. They were both rock solid and stable.

    When I had RedHat6/Gnome on Argo (Win95 box) one reason I never did much
    with it is that it locked up almost every time I messed with it. Have
    seen lots of lockups on both installs and liveCDs over the years. Seems
    to have gotten better lately.

    Conversely Argo's W95 crashed exactly once in ~12 years of everyday use,
    and that was because Mozilla 1.0 tried to do something illegal with the hardware (no, applications are not allowed to molest the network card,
    what is wrong with you people!!)

    I haven't used either in a very long time but I suppose they are stable, I dunno.

    Gnome used to lock up all the time. KDE, not so much. Last batch I
    tested, I think the only distro that froze solid on me was Megaira, or whatever it's called, and I think it has KDE5.early.

    For the last many years I have used xfce and really don't think about other desktops anymore.

    XFCE is all right, but I ran into too many little things that weren't
    there... doesn't quite do it for me.
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From KY MOFFET@454:3/105 to BARRY MARTIN on Monday, September 12, 2016 13:39:00
    BARRY MARTIN wrote:
    Hi Ky!

    KM> Useful if a person runs Gnome...

    Not terribly useful for a person runnign Windows! <g>

    Less than ideal, yes :D

    KM> and no Gnome distro will never be downloaded by me again. *shudder*

    LIS some time before (I think), I switched to and am using Ubuntu mainly because of the using Mythbuntu for years as the network-based PVR around here. Some 'quirks', yes.

    I'm too old for 'quirks'. I want 'works'. <grrrr...>

    KM> I did like PCLinuxOS "FullMonty" when last I looked. Tho am not
    KM> thrilled with KDE5 (I liked 4.x)

    In your spare time you'll have to write your own OS and I and a few
    others here will beta test for you! Desktop background can be the view

    Oh yeah, I'll get right on it. <g>

    Speaking therewhich, anyone manage to get ReactOS to run?

    of the Rockies from your front yard, Mouse pointer can be modified to
    one of your dogs....

    I'd have to really crane my neck. The Rockies are a couple hundred miles
    west. :D
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From BARRY MARTIN@454:3/105 to KY MOFFET on Tuesday, September 13, 2016 06:29:00
    Hi Ky!

    KM> and no Gnome distro will never be downloaded by me again. *shudder* LIS some time before (I think), I switched to and am using Ubuntu mainly because of the using Mythbuntu for years as the network-based PVR around here. Some 'quirks', yes.
    I'm too old for 'quirks'. I want 'works'. <grrrr...>

    (Aren't you the wordsmith! <g>) And I suppose for an OS just started in
    2004 its relatively advanced. OTOH, yes, some stuff doesn't quite work,
    and some has no Windows equivalent - yet.

    Speaking therewhich, anyone manage to get ReactOS to run?

    Never heard of it. <off to Wikipedia!> Hmmm: interesting. Might be interesting to play with: I still have a few utilities where I need
    Windows (mainly because I haven't had/taken the time to switch over to

    of the Rockies from your front yard, Mouse pointer can be modified to
    one of your dogs....
    I'd have to really crane my neck. The Rockies are a couple
    hundred miles west. :D

    Suppose the Earth's curvature gets in the way?

    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @Q.COM ®
    ¯ ®

    ... Calling him a pea brain would be an undeserved compliment.
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
    þ wcECHO 4.2 ÷ ILink: The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From KY MOFFET@454:3/105 to BARRY MARTIN on Saturday, September 24, 2016 22:21:00
    BARRY MARTIN wrote:
    Hi Ky!

    KM> Speaking therewhich, anyone manage to get ReactOS to run?

    Never heard of it. <off to Wikipedia!> Hmmm: interesting. Might be interesting to play with: I still have a few utilities where I need
    Windows (mainly because I haven't had/taken the time to switch over to Linux).

    Last time I was playing with it, Wine had finally got to where it seemed decent. Didn't try installing anything into it, tho.

    > of the Rockies from your front yard, Mouse pointer can be modified to
    > one of your dogs....
    KM> I'd have to really crane my neck. The Rockies are a couple
    KM> hundred miles west. :D

    Suppose the Earth's curvature gets in the way?

    Not to mention the Crazies and the Bridgers. :)
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From BARRY MARTIN@454:3/105 to KY MOFFET on Sunday, September 25, 2016 18:48:00
    Hi Ky!

    KM> Speaking therewhich, anyone manage to get ReactOS to run?
    Never heard of it. <off to Wikipedia!> Hmmm: interesting. Might be interesting to play with: I still have a few utilities where I need
    Windows (mainly because I haven't had/taken the time to switch over to Linux).
    Last time I was playing with it, Wine had finally got to where it
    seemed decent. Didn't try installing anything into it, tho.

    I've played a little -- very little -- with WINE. Definitely doesn't
    work for some Windows utilities. The BBS failed, but then part could
    have been because at the time I had some of the configuration screwed up
    as far as the new system was concerned -- when I transferred it to the
    XP Virtual Machine it didn't work either.

    "X10" (ActiveHome Pro) didn't work either. I don't think I had to
    change anything for it to run in Virtual Windows.

    > of the Rockies from your front yard, Mouse pointer can be modified to
    > one of your dogs....
    KM> I'd have to really crane my neck. The Rockies are a couple
    KM> hundred miles west. :D
    Suppose the Earth's curvature gets in the way?
    Not to mention the Crazies and the Bridgers. :)

    Your really tall neighhbours?!

    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @Q.COM ®
    ¯ ®

    ... How much ground can a groundhog hog?
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
    þ wcECHO 4.2 ÷ ILink: The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From KY MOFFET@454:3/105 to BARRY MARTIN on Sunday, October 02, 2016 10:03:00
    BARRY MARTIN wrote:

    I've played a little -- very little -- with WINE. Definitely doesn't
    work for some Windows utilities. The BBS failed, but then part could
    have been because at the time I had some of the configuration screwed up
    as far as the new system was concerned -- when I transferred it to the
    XP Virtual Machine it didn't work either.

    No idea :)

    One of these days, tho, I need to work up VMs for my various retired
    OSs, because every one of 'em has taken some irreplaceable utility with it.

    > > of the Rockies from your front yard, Mouse pointer can be
    modified to
    > > one of your dogs....
    > KM> I'd have to really crane my neck. The Rockies are a couple
    > KM> hundred miles west. :D
    > Suppose the Earth's curvature gets in the way?
    KM> Not to mention the Crazies and the Bridgers. :)
    Your really tall neighhbours?!

    Clumsy fellows too. Always spilling their drinks.

    (The Crazies make most of our local weather.)
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From BARRY MARTIN@454:3/105 to KY MOFFET on Monday, October 03, 2016 06:42:00
    Hi Ky!

    One of these days, tho, I need to work up VMs for my various
    retired OSs, because every one of 'em has taken some
    irreplaceable utility with it.

    They're grasping at life with their boney little hexa-digits!

    As for the Virtual machine, you probably want the one from Oracle; also
    d/l the add-on to get USB 2.0/3.0 functionality, plus other stuff I
    can't recall right now.

    > > of the Rockies from your front yard, Mouse pointer can be
    modified to
    > > one of your dogs....
    > KM> I'd have to really crane my neck. The Rockies are a couple
    > KM> hundred miles west. :D
    > Suppose the Earth's curvature gets in the way?
    KM> Not to mention the Crazies and the Bridgers. :)
    Your really tall neighhbours?!
    Clumsy fellows too. Always spilling their drinks.

    (The Crazies make most of our local weather.)

    Wandering around sloshing, Wonder what the Bridgers do?

    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @Q.COM ®
    ¯ ®

    ... U.S. money isn't made out of paper; it's made out of cotton.
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
    þ wcECHO 4.2 ÷ ILink: The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From KY MOFFET@454:3/105 to BARRY MARTIN on Thursday, October 20, 2016 23:20:00
    BARRY MARTIN wrote:
    Hi Ky!

    KM> One of these days, tho, I need to work up VMs for my various
    KM> retired OSs, because every one of 'em has taken some
    KM> irreplaceable utility with it.

    They're grasping at life with their boney little hexa-digits!


    As for the Virtual machine, you probably want the one from Oracle; also
    d/l the add-on to get USB 2.0/3.0 functionality, plus other stuff I
    can't recall right now.

    I want one that's free :) USB would be kinda necessary if it's to see
    the mouse, I'd think.

    > Your really tall neighhbours?!
    KM> Clumsy fellows too. Always spilling their drinks.
    KM> (The Crazies make most of our local weather.)
    Wandering around sloshing, Wonder what the Bridgers do?

    Considering we already got six inches of snow down here in the banana
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From BARRY MARTIN@454:3/105 to KY MOFFET on Friday, October 21, 2016 06:09:00
    Hi Ky!

    As for the Virtual machine, you probably want the one from Oracle; also
    d/l the add-on to get USB 2.0/3.0 functionality, plus other stuff I
    can't recall right now.
    I want one that's free :) USB would be kinda necessary if it's
    to see the mouse, I'd think.

    The Oracle one is free, so may as well go with the better free one! Both
    VM options have USB 1.1; VirtualMachine doesn't have options for USB
    2.0/3.0 while VirtualBox does.

    > Your really tall neighhbours?!
    KM> Clumsy fellows too. Always spilling their drinks.
    KM> (The Crazies make most of our local weather.)
    Wandering around sloshing, Wonder what the Bridgers do?
    Considering we already got six inches of snow down here in the
    banana belt...

    Last Monday it hit 89ø here -- record for the date. (Previous record
    was 86ø some time in the 1960's.) ...They forecasting the possibility
    of scattered frost tonight, but up into the 70's again by Sunday.

    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @Q.COM ®
    ¯ ®

    ... Hippy dippy weather forecast for tonight: dark.
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
    þ wcECHO 4.2 ÷ ILink: The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From KY MOFFET@454:3/105 to BARRY MARTIN on Sunday, October 30, 2016 23:16:00
    BARRY MARTIN wrote:
    The Oracle one is free, so may as well go with the better free one! Both
    VM options have USB 1.1; VirtualMachine doesn't have options for USB
    2.0/3.0 while VirtualBox does.

    Ah. USB would be important considering I've developed the naughty habit
    of rather than upgrading the too-full HD, just hang another 128GB stick
    off some USB port on any of several hubs.

    > > Your really tall neighhbours?!
    > KM> Clumsy fellows too. Always spilling their drinks.
    > KM> (The Crazies make most of our local weather.)
    > Wandering around sloshing, Wonder what the Bridgers do?
    KM> Considering we already got six inches of snow down here in the
    KM> banana belt...

    Last Monday it hit 89ø here -- record for the date. (Previous record

    If the weather station is anywhere near town, it may be a bit bogus....
    lots of 'em now are reporting the local urban heat island rather than
    the natural temperature.

    My fave screwed up station is 6 feet from the Jefferson River, which at
    that point is big and deep and seldom freezes over... so the station
    reads 32 degrees all winter, even when all around it is -30.

    was 86ø some time in the 1960's.) ...They forecasting the possibility
    of scattered frost tonight, but up into the 70's again by Sunday.

    Been up to 62 or so most days here, but the odd frost at night. Finally
    got most of the shotgun shack reroofed, so when it rains you can tell if you're indoors or outdoors. :D
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From BARRY MARTIN@454:3/105 to KY MOFFET on Monday, October 31, 2016 06:15:00
    Hi Ky!

    The Oracle one is free, so may as well go with the better free one! Both
    VM options have USB 1.1; VirtualMachine doesn't have options for USB
    2.0/3.0 while VirtualBox does.
    Ah. USB would be important considering I've developed the naughty
    habit of rather than upgrading the too-full HD, just hang another
    128GB stick off some USB port on any of several hubs.

    <chuckle!> That's one quick and easy way to increase your storage
    capacity! The only problem you might have is you would have to
    unmountthe desired USB stick (or any other USB device) from Linux and
    then it can be seen by the Virtual Machine. Or at least that's the way
    it's working here for the Virtual XP machine. I think there's a way to maintain both connections but here so far not necessary. Well,
    occasionally would be handy but by the time I get around to figuring it out..... What I'm running on Virtual XP either isn't supported by Linux
    (the scanner) or the other USB stuff will work but the software is

    > > Your really tall neighhbours?!
    > KM> Clumsy fellows too. Always spilling their drinks.
    > KM> (The Crazies make most of our local weather.)
    > Wandering around sloshing, Wonder what the Bridgers do?
    KM> Considering we already got six inches of snow down here in the
    KM> banana belt...
    Last Monday it hit 89ø here -- record for the date. (Previous record
    If the weather station is anywhere near town, it may be a bit
    bogus.... lots of 'em now are reporting the local urban heat
    island rather than the natural temperature.

    Nope, that 89ø reading was from the National Weather Service. Here
    could be getting readings of over 100ø because the sensor is on the
    porch and the current angle of the late afternoon sun shines right in.

    My fave screwed up station is 6 feet from the Jefferson River,
    which at that point is big and deep and seldom freezes over... so
    the station reads 32 degrees all winter, even when all around it
    is -30.

    Minor oops!! And besides the late Fall sun angle issue, had a 103ø
    reading when a bird must have perched on the sensor!

    was 86ø some time in the 1960's.) ...They forecasting the possibility
    of scattered frost tonight, but up into the 70's again by Sunday.
    Been up to 62 or so most days here, but the odd frost at night.
    Finally got most of the shotgun shack reroofed, so when it rains
    you can tell if you're indoors or outdoors. :D

    Well if you'd set the safety and quit banging the stock on the ground
    you wouldn't go shooting out your roof!!

    Haven't had frost here yet but nearby has. This week's forecast is for continued above-normal temperatures in the 60's until about Thursday;
    maybe next week or the week after.

    Used to have local private weathercaster who based his predictions on
    nature signs: coat of the woolly caterpillar, how tall ants built the
    entrance to their nests, etc. Haven't heard any of his forecasts for a
    couple of years -- wonder if something happened...?

    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @Q.COM ®
    ¯ ®

    ... Help! I got a hernia trying to raise my expectations!
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
    þ wcECHO 4.2 ÷ ILink: The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From KY MOFFET@454:3/105 to BARRY MARTIN on Thursday, November 03, 2016 23:42:00
    BARRY MARTIN wrote:
    Hi Ky!

    KM> Ah. USB would be important considering I've developed the naughty
    KM> habit of rather than upgrading the too-full HD, just hang another
    KM> 128GB stick off some USB port on any of several hubs.

    <chuckle!> That's one quick and easy way to increase your storage
    capacity! The only problem you might have is you would have to
    unmountthe desired USB stick (or any other USB device) from Linux and

    Yeah, or once in a while one of the $3 hubs goes walkabout. Tho the $30
    hub is the one that doesn't like USB sticks. So the cheap hubs hang off
    it instead. Now if only I could remember which stick is which drive
    letter... <g>

    then it can be seen by the Virtual Machine. Or at least that's the way
    it's working here for the Virtual XP machine. I think there's a way to maintain both connections but here so far not necessary. Well,
    occasionally would be handy but by the time I get around to figuring it out..... What I'm running on Virtual XP either isn't supported by Linux
    (the scanner) or the other USB stuff will work but the software is

    I suppose so long as one machine can see the other, it's good. Isn't
    this done by a sort of bogus networking?

    > Last Monday it hit 89ø here -- record for the date. (Previous record
    KM> If the weather station is anywhere near town, it may be a bit
    KM> bogus.... lots of 'em now are reporting the local urban heat
    KM> island rather than the natural temperature.

    Nope, that 89ø reading was from the National Weather Service. Here
    could be getting readings of over 100ø because the sensor is on the
    porch and the current angle of the late afternoon sun shines right in.

    There's no rule saying the NWS station can't be affected by a heat
    island that weren't there when it got built.

    KM> My fave screwed up station is 6 feet from the Jefferson River,
    KM> which at that point is big and deep and seldom freezes over... so
    KM> the station reads 32 degrees all winter, even when all around it
    KM> is -30.

    Minor oops!! And besides the late Fall sun angle issue, had a 103ø
    reading when a bird must have perched on the sensor!

    Haha... in summer it goes the other way, since that cold river keeps the
    air around it cool. But not enough to make up for the bogus readings in winter. (10 degrees vs up to 60 degrees)

    > was 86ø some time in the 1960's.) ...They forecasting the possibility
    > of scattered frost tonight, but up into the 70's again by Sunday.
    KM> Been up to 62 or so most days here, but the odd frost at night.
    KM> Finally got most of the shotgun shack reroofed, so when it rains
    KM> you can tell if you're indoors or outdoors. :D

    Well if you'd set the safety and quit banging the stock on the ground
    you wouldn't go shooting out your roof!!

    <g> I don't know how it got named that. It apparently started life, in
    1920, as a very small (15x26) house that got framed (with the 2x4s
    sideways!) but never finished, then was moved over here when the highway
    got shifted. It probably got banged very hard and not too safely when it
    was unloaded! The wonder is that it's perfectly square.

    One neighbor says a house got moved from HERE and another points to over
    THERE and finally figured out the confusion is because TWO houses got
    moved! (the shotgun shack, and the rental house.) You can still see the outline from one of 'em on the ground over yonder, some 50 years later.

    Haven't had frost here yet but nearby has. This week's forecast is for continued above-normal temperatures in the 60's until about Thursday;
    maybe next week or the week after.

    Supposed to be sunny and 60ish here for the next week, too. Not to complain!

    Used to have local private weathercaster who based his predictions on
    nature signs: coat of the woolly caterpillar, how tall ants built the entrance to their nests, etc. Haven't heard any of his forecasts for a couple of years -- wonder if something happened...?

    Not terribly accurate. And such stuff that I've observed actually
    follows sunspot cycles. While that's vaguely associated with climate,
    there's a lot of lag.
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From BARRY MARTIN@454:3/105 to KY MOFFET on Friday, November 04, 2016 06:31:00
    Hi Ky!

    KM> Ah. USB would be important considering I've developed the naughty
    KM> habit of rather than upgrading the too-full HD, just hang another
    KM> 128GB stick off some USB port on any of several hubs.
    <chuckle!> That's one quick and easy way to increase your storage
    capacity! The only problem you might have is you would have to
    unmountthe desired USB stick (or any other USB device) from Linux and
    Yeah, or once in a while one of the $3 hubs goes walkabout. Tho
    the $30 hub is the one that doesn't like USB sticks. So the cheap
    hubs hang off it instead. Now if only I could remember which
    stick is which drive letter... <g>

    Switch to Linux: they're effectively all one huge drive! As for which
    letter which thumbdrive is, small labels? Thinking of the price tag
    ones, about a 7/8th" long and 3/8" wide. Of course, if Windows keeps
    changing the drive letters when rebooted....

    As for the $30 hub not liking your USB thumbdrives - odd. Seems like
    there should be more than enough power available. Sort of reminds me
    when my original XT motherboard decided ti didn't like to connect at 1
    Gbps. Reboot, test, test. Connects fine at 100 MBps direct to the
    Router's LAN. Well, since to the outside world is only 100 Mbps guess
    is doens't really matter!

    then it can be seen by the Virtual Machine. Or at least that's the way
    it's working here for the Virtual XP machine. I think there's a way to maintain both connections but here so far not necessary. Well,
    occasionally would be handy but by the time I get around to figuring it out..... What I'm running on Virtual XP either isn't supported by Linux (the scanner) or the other USB stuff will work but the software is
    I suppose so long as one machine can see the other, it's good.
    Isn't this done by a sort of bogus networking?

    How a Virtual Machine works? No idea how they do the magic.

    > Last Monday it hit 89ø here -- record for the date. (Previous record
    KM> If the weather station is anywhere near town, it may be a bit
    KM> bogus.... lots of 'em now are reporting the local urban heat
    KM> island rather than the natural temperature.
    Nope, that 89ø reading was from the National Weather Service. Here
    could be getting readings of over 100ø because the sensor is on the
    porch and the current angle of the late afternoon sun shines right in.
    There's no rule saying the NWS station can't be affected by a
    heat island that weren't there when it got built.

    True. They must have the sensors positioned halfway correctly as
    reasonably match the temperatures here. Plural as a new and old digital sensor, and a couple analog ones mainly for decoration but all with in
    degree or two of each other when not being hit by the sun. I'm about a
    15 minute drive from the airport, though that might make me part of the
    heat island too!

    KM> My fave screwed up station is 6 feet from the Jefferson River,
    KM> which at that point is big and deep and seldom freezes over... so
    KM> the station reads 32 degrees all winter, even when all around it
    KM> is -30.
    Minor oops!! And besides the late Fall sun angle issue, had a 103ø
    reading when a bird must have perched on the sensor!
    Haha... in summer it goes the other way, since that cold river
    keeps the air around it cool. But not enough to make up for the
    bogus readings in winter. (10 degrees vs up to 60 degrees)

    So how come now one has heard of this "air conditioned island"
    phenomenon? <g>

    > was 86ø some time in the 1960's.) ...They forecasting the possibility
    > of scattered frost tonight, but up into the 70's again by Sunday.
    KM> Been up to 62 or so most days here, but the odd frost at night.
    KM> Finally got most of the shotgun shack reroofed, so when it rains
    KM> you can tell if you're indoors or outdoors. :D
    Well if you'd set the safety and quit banging the stock on the ground
    you wouldn't go shooting out your roof!!
    <g> I don't know how it got named that. It apparently started life, in
    1920, as a very small (15x26) house that got framed (with the
    2x4s sideways!) but never finished, then was moved over here when
    the highway got shifted. It probably got banged very hard and not
    too safely when it was unloaded! The wonder is that it's
    perfectly square.

    They probably put the 2x4's in the wrong way to maximize the square
    footage inside the house!!

    One neighbor says a house got moved from HERE and another points
    to over THERE and finally figured out the confusion is because
    TWO houses got moved! (the shotgun shack, and the rental house.)
    You can still see the outline from one of 'em on the ground over
    yonder, some 50 years later.

    Big dent where they dropped it as they were loading? <g> I vaguely
    recall a house being moved to the lot across the street where I grew up.
    Two story house and some of the overhead lines had to be disconnected.
    Must have done an excellent job as I was inside a few times (did some yardwork) and they had the table lamp cords routed down the inside opf
    the table legs! Yes, she had someone drill holes down the furniture so
    the cords wouldn't show! (There were also in-floor outlets.)

    Used to have local private weathercaster who based his predictions on
    nature signs: coat of the woolly caterpillar, how tall ants built the entrance to their nests, etc. Haven't heard any of his forecasts for a couple of years -- wonder if something happened...?
    Not terribly accurate. And such stuff that I've observed actually
    follows sunspot cycles. While that's vaguely associated with
    climate, there's a lot of lag.

    Seems logical: sun has a known cycle, takes a litle bit to warm things
    up and keep them warm (same to cool down and keep cool). Wonder if the official meteorologists learn that?

    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @Q.COM ®
    ¯ ®

    ... Movie: the frightening sequel when weather turns nasty: You've Got Gale! --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
    þ wcECHO 4.2 ÷ ILink: The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ CCO * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * capcity2.synchro.net
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)