• USB port issue -follow-up

    From Barry Martin@454:1/1 to Ky Moffet on Wednesday, March 04, 2020 11:07:00

    Hi Ky!

    Think this was originally in the other message but morphed into other
    areas. Anyway, remember me typing about issues here with the system
    locking up sometimes when I plug a thumbdrive or rarely other USB device
    into the computer? I think the problem isn't with the USB
    ports/circuits but more with the way the motherboard/something reacts to
    static electricity.

    Had touched the side of the case (metal) and 'snap!' from the discharge
    and the system froze. Happened several times. Originally may have had
    a 'false positive' with the thumbdrive (USB port) as may not have noted
    the static electric spark as through the thumbdrive rather than my

    Checked on-line -- others have similar issues over the years; various
    brands but I didn't notice anything to components. Will have to recheck
    my grounding; haven't felt like crawling aorund down there! (Or those
    pesky But Firsts!)

    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @Q.COM ®
    ¯ ®

    ... Gas gauges don't always lie.
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    þ wcECHO 4.2 ÷ ILink: The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
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  • From Barry Martin@454:1/1 to Ky Moffet on Tuesday, March 10, 2020 07:06:00

    Hi Ky!

    KM> Or if maybe the internal ground is loose, perhaps on the USB
    KM> connection to the mainboard.
    Hmmm... Possibility. A static discharge to the case could still jump
    to the USB section, just looks like a different/another problem. Right
    now trying to figure out where to begin other than an almost complete rebuild. ...Suppose the first thing would be to open the case and see
    if anything looks wrong. Let things 'sit' a while and see if I remember anything which didn't seem to go as should during construction -- like something having to be forced.
    Might be nothing you can see, unfortunately. Broken spot in a
    trace, loose wire up inside a port... who knows....

    Right: plus bad solder joint - could be literally anything anywhere.
    Opening the case to look for anything obvious is probably as far as I'd
    go: not going to look at the board with a magnifying glass - probably
    one the sandwiched type and the problem is in a middle layer!

    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @Q.COM ®
    ¯ ®

    ... Why was there a bug in the computer? It was looking for a byte to eat.
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    þ wcECHO 4.2 ÷ ILink: The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    * Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.no-ip.com | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)