Installfest continues
Ky Moffet@454:1/1 to
All on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 23:51:00
Today's victim was Fedora32/KDE. I'd had v30 installed for a while (it
was stable, if not quite to my taste) so had some clue it might behave.
Install took six minutes. (In sharp contrast to the Debian family, at an
hour or more apiece.) Answer a few things, tell it Install, off it goes.
It was a little cranky about prepping the HD and had to be told multiple times, but finally gave in.
And then, despite being an ISO only a few weeks old, it downloaded 1GB
of updates and basically replaced everything. Well, at least it did this afterward, not during the install; if necessary it could be interrupted.
I'm used to having the descendant of drakconfig to access all the root
system settings; if Fedora has an equivalent, I can't find it.
Discover seems like a good software manager until you actually look for something, then realize it's half-blind compared to Synaptic, which is butt-ugly but rather more functional, and designed for a desktop, not a touchpad. Also, Synaptic doesn't try to install the same version on top
of itself, as Discover just did with the kernel. (Weirdly, it updated
the kernel, THEN complained that the earlier version was already
installed and could not be updated. I see why people are still leery of Dependency Hell...)
Ah, well, at least it runs properly, and slick as expected on this
reasonably fast hardware. Unfortunately Fedora has dropped support for
KDE, demoting it to a community spin, so I can't really count on it as a replacement for PCLOS, in the event that Tex leaves the world without
willing it to someone equally competent (the hazard of one-man-bands).
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