• USB locking up - follow u

    From Barry Martin@454:1/1 to Ky Moffet on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 13:55:00

    Hi Ky!

    Not-totally-unexpected follow-up to this portion:

    KM> Did I gripe about CenturyLink yet? they changed my loop -- it got
    KM> shorter, but my connection went from stable 5Mbps to unstable
    KM> 4Mpbs, and am told by their now worthless tech support
    They don't seem to want customers anymore, that's for sure...
    That had been pretty much my thought for several years.

    So latter portion of the morning. I'm up here in the Computer Room with Autumn. Not too much for her to do up here but it's different, she's
    somewhat interested in the computers and projects; the Computer Desk has
    a shelf that pulls out which she uses to draw. I notice the phone is off-hook; figure a phone call is being made downstairs while Autumn is
    occupied up here.

    Eventually getting to be lunchtime so we go downstairs. "You were on
    the phone?" "No, why?" Quick check: phones are on the hook. Oh-oh! I
    have an 'indoor demarc' which I created decades ago so if there was a
    problem with the phones could disconnect and plug in the 'emergency
    phone'. Plug that in - dead. Not even dead air.

    Call the landline from my cell phone: busy. So the outside line probably shorted out. It had drooped from when we had the derecho (big wind
    storm) last month. Was going to call and have fixed. So I'm thinking
    the phone line outside stretched a little more, tore the insulation and
    now the two wires are touching each other.

    Called CenturyLink's repair; fiddle with the automated portion for a
    while (four minutes?), then get to a live person -- we'll just say "not
    from this country", plus I could here another person nearby in the
    background with the same accent. So I called Wednesday late morning; a
    tech won't be out until Friday sometime between 8:15 and 4:15. ...Keep
    the cell phone near!

    ¯ BarryMartin3@ ®
    ¯ @MyMetronet.NET ®

    ... I have preferences.
    You have biases.
    He/She has prejudices.
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