• USB locking up - results

    From Barry Martin@454:1/1 to Ky Moffet on Monday, September 07, 2020 17:58:00

    Hi Ky!

    A while back we were talking about my system locking up when a USB
    device was inserted and a couple of things to check.
    Currently trying an option "ASMedia USB 3.0 Battery Charging
    Support". Default is off (disabled); trying 'enabled' only because it
    seems to be the only option having anything to do with USB other than
    legacy and disabling. Plus the power aspect seemed a 'maybe': no
    surge of power when plugging in a thumbdrive but maybe this option
    would act like a slow-blow fuse and let whatever is occasionally
    locking the system settle down.
    Might be letting it draw more power than spec.

    Original answer:
    That was more or less my consideration for trying. Did try after
    changing the setting; need to try again -- haven't needed to insert a thumbdrive or other USB device so forget. (Could try now but if the
    system locks up sort of a pain to recover this message.)

    Follow-up answer:
    Needed to test a USB camera, so plugged in to the front USB 3.0 port -- <screeching halt!>. Well, no sound effects, but that was the effective result. (BTW, the camera works fine; need to do other testing as to why
    it's not working where I originally tried.) So the 'allow for use as a charger' setting did not resolve; will set back later. (Following the
    next lock up?!)

    ¯ BarryMartin3@ ®
    ¯ @MyMetronet.NET ®

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