• USB lock up - poo! Follow

    From Barry Martin@454:1/1 to Ky Moffet on Monday, February 14, 2022 19:46:00

    Hi Ky!

    Follow-up to the message I wrote this morning.

    Now for the CPU. Looks like between an i5 12600K and i7 12700K (leaning

    Did check the links -- some new/better detailed information. Actually
    this one (truncated) I did find on my own. OK, with Goggle's help. <g>
    Did decide to go with the i5 12600K: didn't seem to be worth the extra
    money for a processor which seems to be faster only for stuff I don't or
    only rarely do. Gives me time to take a sip of my coffee/tea/water!

    Fact is the stock cooler usually scrapes by, so better is not an
    emergency if you're just doing everyday stuff and not gaming or

    Down here someplace there was a link regarding cooler considerations for
    the i7-12700K version. As the i5 and i7 are essentially identical
    except for the max heat might be good to pay attention! ...Decided on
    the Noctura NH-U12S -- the 140 mm version are expensive! (But cheaper
    than charcoaling the motherboard and CPU.) Single fan with the ability
    to add a second fan. Will monitor with pSensor and see if needed.

    Also need to find again the video on "Too Many Fans" -- found in one of
    the links and made a note to look at it later in my notes. Would make
    sense: need an airflow, and if too strong front-to-back might create a
    stagnant air pool at the top and bottom of the case because air can't
    flow into the main stream easily. Or causes whistles as the air is jet-streamed through! Also thinking too much forced air can pull air
    the wrong way through devices like the PSU.

    ¯ BarryMartin3@ ®
    ¯ @MyMetronet.NET ®

    ... Useless Fact: Zebras didn't invent algebra.
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