Subject: ILink Website and info archive/packet info
Hi Michael!
I am finally off from work and on vacation. Not going
anywhere. Just paid time off that I need to use up before I loose
Yup: that's what happens when someone is too dedicated!
I have started making some changes to the ILink website.
Well here's the first stupid question: where is it?! Googling "ILink" initialy finds what looks like an personnel type company and a little
later a transportation company in Northern Ireland. (Just edited the
RelayNet article in Wikipedia: had 'Ilink'.)
Back to the 'where is it?', I'm coming from the neophyte angle of
looking for something semi-specific but not what terms to use to find.
Barry if you have an updated list
can you post it here? Thanks. If any host or sysop has an updated
web page let me know also.
I have a listing that is a combination of up-to-date and outdated:
contains a lot of BBSs which apparently lost interest and so
disappeared. Also its formatting is probably as outdated as punch
cards. I'll send it to you via e-mail to avoid confusion here - publish
after has been updated.
> BarryMartin3@ <
> @MyMetronet.NET <
... "How did the hackers escape?"
"No idea, they just ransomware."
--- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
* wcECHO 4.2 = ILink: The Safe BBS * Bettendorf, IA
--- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
* Origin: ILink: CFBBS | | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)