Alan Ianson, OS_Discuss; Unix&Linux
Alan is still around on other networks, but I don't remember seeing
him here in a while.
Not sure if the conference hosts listed on the website are
still around. The only ones I know of are myself, Barry Martin,
and Ky Moffet.
Barry since your the Conference Administrator maybe
you have an idea who is still active.
Alan is still around on other networks, but I don't remember seeing
him here in a while.
That is what i have noticed. What I am going to do in a few days
is remove all the host names from the conference lists except
myself, Barry and Ky. Unless someone has info or the host speaks
up. I can always add it back in when there is an update, Barry do
you agree and or approve?
Micheal: I agree and approve.
Micheal: I agree and approve.
I will remove host names execpt for myself, you and Ky on my next
batch of updates.
Micheal: I agree and approve.
I will remove host names execpt for myself, you and Ky on my
next batch of updates.
Micheal: I agree and approve.I will remove host names execpt for myself, you and Ky on my next
batch of updates.
I do wonder how many actual users are left.
Now to find replacements. ...I nominate Daryl for Ham Radio, Virus,
and Religion!
Now to find replacements. ...I nominate Daryl for Ham Radio, Virus,
and Religion!
So much for N.A.V.Y. -- N)ever A)gain V)olunteer Y)ourself. <G>
Sounds like I have the ham radio virus, and need to be prayed
over. <G>
Hi Daryl!
Now to find replacements. ...I nominate Daryl for Ham Radio, Virus, and Religion!
So much for N.A.V.Y. -- N)ever A)gain V)olunteer Y)ourself. <G>
That's why I did it for you!
* RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS * Hollywood, Ca * www.techware2k.comSounds like I have the ham radio virus, and need to be prayed
over. <G>
...Need to figure out the delivery for this one: It's a trick an' osis
> BarryMartin3@ <
> @MyMetronet.NET <
... He does not eat like a pig; he suffers from Reverse Bulimia.
--- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
* wcECHO 4.2 = ILink: The Safe BBS * Bettendorf, IA
Hi Ky!
> -> Micheal: I agree and approve.
> I will remove host names execpt for myself, you and Ky on my next
> batch of updates.
KM> I do wonder how many actual users are left.
Are you implying too many chiefs and not enough indians?!
Micheal: I agree and approve.
I will remove host names execpt for myself, you and Ky on my
next batch of updates.
Now to find replacements. ...I nominate Daryl for Ham Radio, Virus, and Religion!
So much for N.A.V.Y. -- N)ever A)gain V)olunteer Y)ourself. <G>
That's why I did it for you!
Sounds like I have the ham radio virus, and need to be prayed
over. <G>
...Need to figure out the delivery for this one: It's a trick an' osis
Don't forget the comedy conference :)
Now to find replacements. ...I nominate Daryl for Ham Radio, Virus, and Religion!Don't forget the comedy conference :)
Are you implying too many chiefs and not enough indians?!
Wait, we've been promoted??!
Now to find replacements. ...I nominate Daryl for Ham Radio, Virus, and Religion!
He does do a pretty good job keeping traffic going in those.
So much for N.A.V.Y. -- N)ever A)gain V)olunteer Y)ourself. <G>
That's why I did it for you!
You are so considerate. <G>
Sounds like I have the ham radio virus, and need to be prayed
over. <G>
...Need to figure out the delivery for this one: It's a trick an' osis
It's snot for me to think about being something to sneeze at.
Besides, there is a meme on "Booger Nutrition Facts"...I wonder
if the guy in "Caddyshack" thought about that. :P
I try to be nice. (It is very trying!)
Need to check the Boogers, err, Bloppers, argh! Bloopers!
... It's not how you pick your nose but where you put the booger.
Yes enjoy your new title! Doesn't come with any fiancial changes, just
a fancy virtual placard.
I try to be nice. (It is very trying!)
So, you're already working on a lump of coal for next year??
Need to check the Boogers, err, Bloppers, argh! Bloopers!
The slips of the tongues and fat finger syndrome on the
keyboards, are nothing to sneeze at. :P
... It's not how you pick your nose but where you put the booger.
I saw a either a tagline or bumper sticker that noted "Don't
tailgate me, or I'll flick a booger on your windshield". :P
And, you thought a swarm of "love bugs" was bad. <G>
... Deja Loo - When you feel like you went to the toilet just
moments ago. === MultiMail/Win v0.52
Yes enjoy your new title! Doesn't come with any fiancial changes, just
a fancy virtual placard.
Plus extra zero's on your salary sheet. <G>
Plus extra zero's on your salary sheet. <G>
Too bad they're on the left!
As I tell people, I'm nice and warm!
Incoming! <splat!>
Worse than bug smear!
Why am I thinking that medication with the comb?
... Deja Loo - When you feel like you went to the toilet just
moments ago. === MultiMail/Win v0.52
If you're one of those old enough you did!
... Pee all you can pee. Read `Diuretics', by L. Don Hubbard
Plus extra zero's on your salary sheet. <G>
Too bad they're on the left!
That way, you don't have to pay taxes on it...but I'm sure
the government will find a way to collect. Besides, The IRS
is actually THEIRS!!
I'm concerned that I'm going to have to pay a capital gains
tax on selling my car last June, due to medical/vision issues
that made me give up driving. I had great difficulty driving
at night with haloes around any kind of light (streetlight,
vehicle light, etc.)...and my vision would blur on me without
warning during the day...making it too dangerous to drive.
The thing is, what I paid for the car originally (it was a
2013 Chevy Cruze), and what I got when I sold it back to the
dealership was $4400 less than what I paid for, to me,
that means I took a LOSS. The money went to pay for outpatient
heart surgery, transportation via Lyft, medications, groceries,
and other medical bills.
Incoming! <splat!>
Especially when you sneeze it all over your keyboard and/or
monitor. I know you needed that visual on a Monday. <G>
Worse than bug smear!
Just snot to wash it off. :P
Why am I thinking that medication with the comb?
Which is??
... Deja Loo - When you feel like you went to the toilet just
moments ago. === MultiMail/Win v0.52
If you're one of those old enough you did!
Or you used slop jars and outhouses. :P
... Pee all you can pee. Read `Diuretics', by L. Don Hubbard
Lasix will really make it your pee-rogative.
Perhaps they'll take the outer casing to the zero and so you'll be left with less mpthing.
Might be worth an appointment with a tax preparer. Not necessarily H&R Block, Jackson-Hewitt and the like, but probably more the local groups
who have some training and do taxes for seniors, generally for free or very low cost.
I'd also would prepare a list of potential deductions to offset any capital gains tax you may need to pay -- at least you'd be paying less.
And 'incone averaging' might be another way to reduce/eliminate.
Though when you purchased from the dealership they reported the sale as
a gain and paid taxes. Then when re-purchased they would probably be reporting that as a loss So would average out in the eyes of the IRS.
And for whatever reason that festered until I downloaded Wednesday morning.
Lice medication.
The grass is always greener around the outhouse!
You had LASIX on which eye??!! ...I was thinking that didn't look
right" 'lasix" is a medication for fluid retention -- which is probably what yoy meant. I was thinking 'LASIK', the eye surgery.
Perhaps they'll take the outer casing to the zero and so you'll be left with less mpthing.
What's mpthing?? Is it less than nothing?? That's what the US
is running on with a $31 trillion plus deficit.
Might be worth an appointment with a tax preparer. Not necessarily H&R Block, Jackson-Hewitt and the like, but probably more the local groups
who have some training and do taxes for seniors, generally for free or very low cost.
I checked with my tax preparer, and they said because I took a
loss with selling the car (what I got in selling it, compared to
what I paid for in buying it), I wouldn't have to pay any taxes.
I also checked with the county Personal Property Tax
Department, and since I no longer have a vehicle (and doubt I
will ever again), they "closed that account". I'll still have to
pay the real estate tax on the house, though... but at least it
isn't due until October 10. Statements on those won't be mailed
out until mid-March.
I'd also would prepare a list of potential deductions to offset any capital gains tax you may need to pay -- at least you'd be paying less.
The only ones I have are medical...thankfully, many times, the
medical facility will just "write off" the charges.
And 'income averaging' might be another way to reduce/eliminate.
Well, considering I get the same amount each month on
disability, that's my version of "income averaging". They say
"money talks"...mine just waves "good-bye".
Though when you purchased from the dealership they reported the sale as
a gain and paid taxes. Then when re-purchased they would probably be reporting that as a loss So would average out in the eyes of the IRS.
I had to pay $730 in sales tax to the state to get the car tags
after I bought it (it's around 8% of the total cost paid). But,
as noted, the tax preparer told me I didn't have to worry on
that. Also, I told them since I no longer drive, taking Lyft to
and from there (about 35 miles away) would be prohibitively
expensive, they said I could scan in all the items, create a PDF
file, and send it to them. Then, if signature was needed, they
would email that form to me, I'd print it, sign it, scan it in,
make a new PDF, and email it back to them. Then, I pay for the
services via my debit card over the phone. Then, I don't have to
make an in person trip to their office.
And for whatever reason that festered until I downloaded Wednesday morning.
I know you appreciated my being so considerate of you <g,d,r>.
Lice medication.
Ah, yes...pediculosis. I remember back in the schools years
ago, there would be big infections of that...and kids were forced
to stay home.
You had LASIX on which eye??!! ...I was thinking that didn't look
right" 'lasix" is a medication for fluid retention -- which is probably what yoy meant. I was thinking 'LASIK', the eye surgery.
LASIK is the eye surgery...LASIX is the diuretic (generic term
is Furosemide). LASIK should improve your vision...LASIX should
improve the activity of your urinary system...because it's better
to be pissed off than pissed on. Because, some days, you're the dog...other days, you're the hydrant.
I appreciate any good considerations!
And no Skype!
And that's why when the Pharmacist asks "what's this meddication being taken for?" one answers correctly: don't want to be getting the wrong medication and putting it in the wrong place!! ...My pharmacy is a Midwester chain and they'll print a "this is the same medication" sheet
if their supplier has changed and so the pill has a different shape, colour, etc. A few months back I did a refill and the bottle was much larger than normal. Before ringing up I asked if correct; yup: they
had run out of the correct size and so were using the next size.
... Eyedropper \i'-drop-ur\: a clumsy ophthalmologist
'Mpthing' is pronounced something like when a person is gagged and
trying to talk through the gag. In this case the person has their
hands over their mouth in shock to the deficit number,
And since it's the government it's like the contestant on Jeopardy! who
at the end has a negative score: doesn't play but still goes home with $1000.
Well that's good.
And hopefully you are setting aside that payment.
Well the good news is the list of potential deductions was for the
capital gains on the car, of which you have been told doesn't exist so
not needed. And couldn't use the written-off bills as they are zero.
From what I understand 'income averaging' is done over the past several years to offset a spike in income. That way a smaller group of money
is waving bye-bye.
That's good. Saves a a bunch of time and money. Time you have, money
not so much.
I appreciate any good considerations!
OK, I'll keep the bad ones for myself. :P
And no Skype!
Kids today are SPOILED...and most are just plain lazy.
And that's why when the Pharmacist asks "what's this meddication being taken for?" one answers correctly: don't want to be getting the wrong medication and putting it in the wrong place!! ...My pharmacy is a Midwester chain and they'll print a "this is the same medication" sheet
if their supplier has changed and so the pill has a different shape, colour, etc. A few months back I did a refill and the bottle was much larger than normal. Before ringing up I asked if correct; yup: they
had run out of the correct size and so were using the next size.
Side effects of this medication may include death. WTH??!!
And since it's the government it's like the contestant on Jeopardy! who
at the end has a negative score: doesn't play but still goes home with $1000.
I thought if they ended up with a negative total, they were
eliminated from "Final Jeopardy", and all they got were
consolation prizes. With the "current show", only the winner
keeps the money.
And hopefully you are setting aside that payment.
Not yet...but I will...I've got other bills first.
Well the good news is the list of potential deductions was for the
capital gains on the car, of which you have been told doesn't exist so
not needed. And couldn't use the written-off bills as they are zero.
I think of the joke where the homeless person wanted to be
given some bills. So, he was given the electric, water, gas, and
medical ones. <G>
From what I understand 'income averaging' is done over the past several years to offset a spike in income. That way a smaller group of money
is waving bye-bye.
What The Lord giveth, the IRS taketh away. :P
That's good. Saves a a bunch of time and money. Time you have, money
not so much.
What was your first clue??
You haven't watched TV in a while, have you?! The prize rule was
changed several years back. The last-placed contestant receives
$1,000, the second-placed contestant $2,000, while the winner continues
to accumulate all the money earned. As for Final Jeopardy!. only the contestants with a positive amount of money can play, and I have seen
just the one person play. Obviously not playing against anyone, but playing against himself.
That's always kind of a problem: other stuff.
One gets what they ask for!
And then they re-give it and attempt to make it look like it wasn't
yours to begin with.
You use a free public-domain font?!
... Save disk space: put your word processing documents in a tiny font!
There you go, being greedy again!
That's probably been the thought through the ages. Depending on the example I would think some of it is the fault of the parents. Parents shouldn't be shoo-ing their kids off to entertaining themselves and instead playing with/being involved with them. OTOH the parents need their 'alone time', plus the kids shouldn't 100% rely on the parents
for something to do.
Is that due to accumulation over time?!
You haven't watched TV in a while, have you?! The prize rule was
changed several years back. The last-placed contestant receives
$1,000, the second-placed contestant $2,000, while the winner continues
to accumulate all the money earned. As for Final Jeopardy!. only the contestants with a positive amount of money can play, and I have seen
just the one person play. Obviously not playing against anyone, but playing against himself.
I haven't turned on the TV sets here in 4 years...since I put
my Mom in a nursing home before her death.
That's always kind of a problem: other stuff.
I'm only one step away from being rich. All I need is money. :P
One gets what they ask for!
That's as dangerous as praying for patience, and wanting it
And then they re-give it and attempt to make it look like it wasn't
yours to begin with.
Yep. Folks don't realize until it's too late that "you can't
take it with you".
You use a free public-domain font?!
Actually, it's abandonware, as support for it is no longer
available. <G>
... Save disk space: put your word processing documents in a tiny font!
Deleting the pickled files (dll's) made my computer sober...but
it crashed on the sobriety test. :P
Hmmm, sounds like cousins of a group of dwarfs...although in
"Who Framed Roger Rabbit", there were only 5 weasels.
That's probably been the thought through the ages. Depending on the example I would think some of it is the fault of the parents. Parents shouldn't be shoo-ing their kids off to entertaining themselves and instead playing with/being involved with them. OTOH the parents need their 'alone time', plus the kids shouldn't 100% rely on the parents
for something to do.
Years ago, parents would drop their kids off at the malls, and
the kids would get into all sorts of trouble. Then, the parents
would say "My kid would never do something like that!!". Yet,
when shown the video evidence, they'd file a lawsuit for
"invasion of privacy".
Is that due to accumulation over time?!
Well, all of us are going to meet The Grim Reaper eventually. I
think of the meme where this amateur radio operator gets
confronted by The Grim Reaper, who tells him "That fancy,
expensive HF rig, you ordered behind your wife's back?? It
arrived today, and she signed for it. Do you want to go home
first and face her, or do you just want to come with me now??". <G>
... Side Effects Of This Medicine may include Death.
To me would seem odd to not watch TV: I do it more as a meaans to be
aware of what is happening in the outside world via the news, though
also use reading as a source. The other couple hours is more for entertainment and distraction.
I'm only one step away from being rich. All I need is money. :P
Soooo close!
That's as dangerous as praying for patience, and wanting it
Perhaps an 'emergency acquisition' in special instances?!
About the only thing they can take is a good heart.
... Save disk space: put your word processing documents in a tiny font!
Deleting the pickled files (dll's) made my computer sober...but
it crashed on the sobriety test. :P
Hmmm, sounds like cousins of a group of dwarfs...although in
"Who Framed Roger Rabbit", there were only 5 weasels.
The other two couldn't agree on a contract.
Sneaky definition-twisting lawyers!
See? That nausea and vomiting doesn't sound so bad now!
As noted, I haven't turned on the TV's in 4 years. I might
watch a local newscast off their website, but that's about it.
I'm only one step away from being rich. All I need is money. :P
Soooo close!
I keep trying. :)
That's as dangerous as praying for patience, and wanting it
Perhaps an 'emergency acquisition' in special instances?!
That you make it to the outhouse in time?? :P
About the only thing they can take is a good heart.
The cardiologist is the one with the get well cards. <G>
Sneaky definition-twisting lawyers!
One guy was going to be an attorney, but he changed his
major... as he couldn't deal with constantly lying.
See? That nausea and vomiting doesn't sound so bad now!
If I see, hear, or smell someone puking, I'll do likewise in
short order.
And next check out the locally-hosted talk show.... <g>
You are trying!
"Darn! Out of Sears Roebucks catalogues again!"
Probably has a fit when hears love songs:
"Your beating heart..." I hope so!
"Love me! Hold me! Squeeze me!..." Oo! Cardio-massage!
"I left my heart in San Francisco..." Now you're talkin'!!
Probably decidided against a political science major also.
Highest score in projectile vomiting wins!
And next check out the locally-hosted talk show.... <g>
I've never been one for news-talk radio/TV shows.
You are trying!
Not hard enough, apparently. Congress got a much larger raise
than those on disability. I dare those greedy bastards to try to
live on our income for a year.
"Darn! Out of Sears Roebucks catalogues again!"
Ma!! What did we do with the corncobs?? :P
Probably has a fit when hears love songs:
"Your beating heart..." I hope so!
"Love me! Hold me! Squeeze me!..." Oo! Cardio-massage!
"I left my heart in San Francisco..." Now you're talkin'!!
You forgot "Get Rhythm...When You Get The Blues". <G>
I generally don't watch/listen/pay attention to them either. Once in
a while I'll record as they have someone or some topic of interest.
Ha! And they thought no one would notice!
"Darn! Out of Sears Roebucks catalogues again!"
Ma!! What did we do with the corncobs?? :P
Pigs got 'em!
You forgot "Get Rhythm...When You Get The Blues". <G>
I thought that was arrhythmia and turning blue!
I generally don't watch/listen/pay attention to them either. Once in
a while I'll record as they have someone or some topic of interest.
As noted, I haven't turned on the TV sets or the DVD/VCR deals
in over 4 years.
Ha! And they thought no one would notice!
I think the Democrats are the party of death...with wanting
abortions, to kill off the elderly and disabled, and the rest of
the population with Covid-19...and now with eliminating gas
stoves and other appliances. They want to save the planet, by
destroying the population. Well, if all life has died off,
there's no point in the planet being here, either. And, according
to the Bible, one day, the planet will be destroyed by fire,
Next, if you get rid of coal and LP gas, and the electrical
grid goes down from an EMP (that will happen...the question is
"when?"), people will freeze to death in winter, die from
heatstroke in the summer, and starve to death for lack of food.
They themselves probably got shots of just a saline solution,
saying they actually got the Covid-19 shots. It's more of "Rules
For Thee, But Not For Me".
"Darn! Out of Sears Roebucks catalogues again!"
Ma!! What did we do with the corncobs?? :P
Pigs got 'em!
Maybe you need some hemorrhoidal oinkment now. <G>
... "640K of RAM should be enough for anybody." -- Bill Gates
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