• One if by LAN....

    From Barry Martin@454:1/1 to All on Tuesday, January 24, 2017 19:21:00

    OK, so so much for catchy subjects!

    (Also tried to insert it into Networks -- didn't want to go!)

    Have a situtation where I have two networks and they won't talk to each
    other. Apparently is a common problem but looks to be a semi-expensive solution, and since it's a temporary problem until I do a system
    revision here don't really want to spend much more than a lunch at
    McDonald's on it.

    DSL ==> Gateway (
    º º
    º º
    º ÈÍ Ethernet Switch ==> rest of 192.168.0.x
    ÈÍÍ RPi Hotspot ======> rest of 192.168.3.x

    So the problem is the x.x.0.x network doesn't communicate with the
    x.x.3.x network, and vice versa. Originally figured "turn on" some
    passthrough in the Gateway but appears not to be that simple.

    The "dinner at Le Chez Barf" solution I've seen is:

    Router 2 (
    Gateway ==> Router 1
    Router 3 (

    which is fine but would make me have to redo everything currently on
    x.x.0.x, which is an upcoming project (But First...).

    The Gateway is an Actiontec PK5000.


    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @Q.COM ®
    ¯ ®

    Stay the patient course.
    Little worth is your ire.
    Network is down.
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