• Magicjack FYI

    From LEE GREEN@454:3/105 to ALL on Saturday, December 10, 2011 22:32:00

    If you didn't already know like me that Magicjack can receive text messages well now you know, it will send you an email just like the voice messages do and you click it and it will read it to you. I didn't realize it or read anywhere about this so I was surprised when I got a few text messages from a relative.

    BTW: I'm happy with my Magicjack's performance and the 5yrs of phone service for $69.
    How has your experience been with it?
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From MICHAEL LUKO@454:3/105 to LEE GREEN on Sunday, December 11, 2011 13:19:00
    If you didn't already know like me that Magicjack can receive text
    messages well now you know, it will send you an email just like the
    voice messages do and you click it and it will read it to you. I
    didn't realize it or read anywhere about this so I was surprised when
    I got a few text messages from a relative.

    I didn't know about the text messaging.

    How has your experience been with it?

    I have been happy with it. I did have one of my units have hardware
    failue. A replacement unit was sent free of charge.

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)
  • From LEE GREEN@454:3/105 to MICHAEL LUKO on Monday, December 12, 2011 19:10:00
    I just tried texting my MJ and it didn't work!!!

    I wonder how I got those robot sounding messages read to me in voicemail?

    I noticed on their website that they offer FREE conference calling for MJ users.

    If you didn't already know like me that Magicjack can receive text
    messages well now you know, it will send you an email just like the
    voice messages do and you click it and it will read it to you. I
    didn't realize it or read anywhere about this so I was surprised when
    I got a few text messages from a relative.

    I didn't know about the text messaging.

    How has your experience been with it?

    I have been happy with it. I did have one of my units have hardware
    failue. A replacement unit was sent free of charge.
    Ý RNET 2.10U: ILink: Christian Fellowship Ý cfbbs.dtdns.net Ý 856 933-7096

    ..."I tried to think but nothing happened!" - Curly
    ---BapStats Module (bsDBASE v6.1 Build 1)
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Los Angeles, Ca þ www.techware.dynip.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    # Origin: ILink: CFBBS | cfbbs.dtdns.net | 856-933-7096 (454:1/1)

    þ BgNet 1.0á12 ÷ Capitol City Online * KY/US * 502/875-8938 * cco.ath.cx
    * Origin: ILink: CCO - capitolcityonline.net (454:3/105)