• Re: MagicJack Users

    From MICHAEL LUKO@454:3/105 to NATHAN PRUGH on Friday, June 03, 2011 01:03:00
    speaking of MagicJack... does it work with modems if we use it for
    pots lines?

    If you lucky to get it to connect it will last at most 1.5 minutes.
    That is the longest I held a connection. Faxing I have better results
    forcing the baud to 9600. For modem I had the setting down to 2400 with
    error correcting off.

    I have fios digital voice ane both my modems work fine without any
    issue. Actually get better connections with the digital. At least my
    experience with the digital voice.

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  • From NATHAN PRUGH@454:3/105 to RALPH O'ROURKE on Thursday, June 02, 2011 16:34:00
    speaking of MagicJack... does it work with modems if we use it for pots lines?


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  • From BARRY MARTIN@454:3/105 to NATHAN PRUGH on Friday, June 03, 2011 17:24:00
    Hi Nathan!

    speaking of MagicJack... does it work with modems if we use it
    for pots lines?

    First of all, I have no personal experience with any of these but have considered them on and off.

    MagicJack seems to have either great reviews or bad. Not sure if it
    depends on the connection, the location, or what.

    "Oono" -- something like that. Apparently worse than Magicjack.

    NetTalk (there's an old version and a new version). Reviews indicate it
    is reasonable but a somewhat expensive starter price. (IIRC something
    like $75 for the first year but that includes the hardware and a year of service.)

    If you have a landline currently and plan to keep it you might want to consider either a "teenager line" or an add-on line dedicated to the
    computer. The latter is what I did here years ago when I did dial-up.
    The second line was run to the Computer Room (I used the second pair in
    the existing wiring -- remember to switch it to "Line 1" at your
    destination! [The primary/original/voice line currently in place was
    "Line 2" at the Computer Room so I could answer phone calls [I purchased
    a 2-line Speakerphone). You can make the "occasional" phone call (also
    Long Distance) on the Data Line, just if you use it too much as a voice
    line they will start charging different rates. (I had asked about the
    voice usage when selecting the option; I never had a problem with to
    much voice usage.)


    ¯ ®
    ¯ Barry_Martin_3@ ®
    ¯ @Q.COM ®
    ¯ ®

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  • From PATRICK SIGLIN@454:3/105 to NATHAN PRUGH on Sunday, June 19, 2011 12:27:00
    Re: Re: MagicJack Users
    By: Nathan Prugh to Ralph O'rourke on Thu Jun 02 2011 05:34 pm

    speaking of MagicJack... does it work with modems if we use it for pots lines?


    ! Internetking / Sysop / Internetking BBS !
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    should. it works about 85% of the time for faxing so I would think it would do ok with a modem.

    * Patrick Siglin - www.memphistw.org *

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