• Re: UPS Replacement -Foll

    From Ky Moffet@454:1/1 to Barry Martin on Thursday, October 28, 2021 18:34:00
    BARRY MARTIN wrote:

    Other thing is wanted to check out NUTS (Network UPS Tool) so went to
    their site's compatibility list -- Opti-UPS has two models listed but
    not the one I have; could try both drivers listed. Energizer isn't
    listed at all -- I'm thinking my Energizer ER-Pro 1000 is a rebranded somebody-or-other but haven't found that info.

    <picks random vendor> https://www.batterymart.com/c-energizer-er-pro1000-ups-battery.html

    Huh. Looks like that's a wheelchair battery. Cheaper and they last
    longer... that's why my unit that lasted 25 years used.

    <even cheaper> https://batteryguy.com/energizer+er-pro1000-replacement-battery.html
    And at that price, well, can't replace the rest of the unit so easily.

    Tho I'd avoid Chinese batteries if you have the option.
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Hollywood, Ca þ www.techware2k.com

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  • From Ky Moffet@454:1/1 to Barry Martin on Thursday, October 28, 2021 18:38:00
    BARRY MARTIN wrote:
    Hi Ky!

    not the one I have; could try both drivers listed. Energizer isn't
    listed at all -- I'm thinking my Energizer ER-Pro 1000 is a rebranded somebody-or-other but haven't found that info.

    Can't find it either, but judging by the shape, likely is is a rebadged
    þ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS þ Hollywood, Ca þ www.techware2k.com

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
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  • From Barry Martin@454:1/1 to Ky Moffet on Friday, October 29, 2021 07:17:00

    Hi Ky!

    Other thing is wanted to check out NUTS (Network UPS Tool) so went to
    their site's compatibility list -- Opti-UPS has two models listed but
    not the one I have; could try both drivers listed. Energizer isn't
    listed at all -- I'm thinking my Energizer ER-Pro 1000 is a rebranded somebody-or-other but haven't found that info.
    <picks random vendor> https://www.batterymart.com/c-energizer-er-pro1000-ups-battery.html
    Huh. Looks like that's a wheelchair battery. Cheaper and they
    last longer... that's why my unit that lasted 25 years used.

    Quite possibly! And longer-lasting power is great for those extended
    power outages! <check site> Actually that's a regular SLA (Sealed Lead
    Acid) battery: 12v 9Ah and looks like what I use here. It's an RBC17 equivalent.

    <even cheaper> https://batteryguy.com/energizer+er-pro1000-replacement-battery.ht
    And at that price, well, can't replace the rest of the unit so

    That one better be cheaper: 12v but 7 Ah -- not as 'strong'. Would
    power the UPS just fine, just not last as long a time as the 9 Ah
    version. An 'Ah' is an 'amp hour'. (AH, AHr, etc., are variations.)
    What it means is if the device draws one Amp then the battery would
    power for one hour. So a 7 Ah would last seven hours and a 9 AH would
    last nine hours. ...All theoretical: perfect battery, perfect load, and
    all that. And the UPSs don't last that long 'cause they draw much more
    than an amp!

    BTW, I'm purchasing from www.BatteryJack.com. It switches to a
    different company so don't worry. I've bought from them for years and
    just easier to remember the original name. They have occasional
    specials; I got free shipping. They do not swamp with ads -- once or
    twice a month.

    They do have an odd pull-up on the selected batteries page, and they
    admit it on the page! I know my battery so put in 'RBC17' and it will
    come up with (say) 18 batteries but six or so are duplicates(!). Sort
    by price, double-check specs, and order. There are a few bad hits:
    always a couple of 7 AH sneaking in (should be 9 AH). No idea why they multiple prices for what appears to be the same thing -- AFAICT the
    specs are the same. May be something like a printer can tell when a
    non-OEM cartridge is installed but I've not had problems.

    Tho I'd avoid Chinese batteries if you have the option.

    Especially with the shipping backlog! ...Oh, in general. Yes. Though
    what's 'funny' is with the battery for the sump pump the only listings
    for that particular battery was Chineese sites! Went by the identifier
    but that didn't cross-check to anything at BatteriesPlus nor anyone
    else. BTW, original battery passed annual inspection. We mainly we
    checking on price.

    And then there's a fun boo-boo I made: I kept thinking the wrong UPS!
    The UPS that failed did get the batteries replaced and so that part is
    correct. It's an Opti-UPS GNL 1025P. The Energizer UPS sits to it's
    right. And the Enegerizer is several years older than the Opti-UPS,
    doesn't have the 'fancy' front panel display like the Opti-UPS does, so
    maybe thinking semi-logically the old UPS would be the one to fail.
    <shrug> Anyway, ordered a replacement UPS as the Opti-UPS is running
    warmer than it should so overcharging the batteries. ...You pay
    shipping you can have it less batteries! <g>

    ¯ BarryMartin3@ ®
    ¯ @MyMetronet.NET ®

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    þ wcECHO 4.2 ÷ ILink: The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA

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  • From Barry Martin@454:1/1 to Ky Moffet on Friday, October 29, 2021 07:17:00

    Hi Ky!

    not the one I have; could try both drivers listed. Energizer isn't
    listed at all -- I'm thinking my Energizer ER-Pro 1000 is a rebranded somebody-or-other but haven't found that info.
    Can't find it either, but judging by the shape, likely is is a
    rebadged APC.

    OK, thanks for checking. And I thought the shape seemed semi-familiar.
    As for the UPS monitoring I didn't want to chance guessing wrong and
    have the unit fail while the (wrong) software is telling me it's fine.
    Powers the MythTV Backend computer and that's classified as a 'critical' device. (Well, for what I have here!)

    I'll probably play later ans see if apcupsd seems to work with the
    Energizer UPS. If it fails not such a big problem as mainly for the workbench. Yeah, overkill. Originally it was powering the second
    MythTV Backend while I was switching over from the old Backend to the
    new one.

    ¯ BarryMartin3@ ®
    ¯ @MyMetronet.NET ®

    ... To me, "drink responsibly" means don't spill it.
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
    þ wcECHO 4.2 ÷ ILink: The Safe BBS þ Bettendorf, IA

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