From QRZ.Com, the Icom handout, and Part 97 Of The FCC Rules -
Ham Radio Glossary - An overview of amateur radio terms.
"Worked All Continents"; an award issued to those who make, and have
proof of, contact to at least one ham on each continent.
Slang for QSL Cards and operating/contest certificates.
"Worked All Neighbors"; a station that continually gets complaints about signals showing up on the telephone or televisions at neighbor's houses.
Not a desired situation. Polite conversation and changes in operation
practices are a common solution. Another is providing simple and often inexpensive filters for the offended neighbor. See the TVI solutions page
at the ARRL web site for more information on cures (courtesy of K4GVN).
"World Administrative Radio Conference"; most commonly associated with the "WARC Bands", those bands added to the Amateur Radio band plan which
include the 30, 17, and 12 meter HF bands.
"Worked All States"; an award issued to those who make, and have proof of, contact to at least one ham in each U.S. state.
Weather Alert
NOAA broadcast station transmitting alert signals. Found from 162.40 to
162.55 Mhz on the public service band. Also see NOAA Weather Radio.
Wideband FM
"Weak-signal Operation on Low Frequency" - for more information, see (courtesy of K0LR).
Wouff Hong
An instrument of sadistic torture for hams who do not follow generally
accepted rules of courtesy on the air. It looks something akin to a
Saguaro cactus with one arm missing (courtesy of AA7VP). The Wouff Hong actually sprang from the imagination of ARRL cofounder Hiram Percy
Maxim, W1AW, as a means to combat poor operating. The "initiation
ceremony" is usually held at an ARRL Section, State, or Division
Convention, at the discretion of event organizers. You MUST be an ARRL
member to participate in this fun group; of which the ceremony is TOP SECRET...however, participants do receive a nice certificate.
A radio station located in Fort Collins, Colorado, that continuously
broadcasts standard time of day and other radio and navigation
information. For more information, see
A radio station located in Kauai, Hawaii, that continuously broadcasts
standard time of day and other radio and navigation information. For more information, see
Abbreviation for "weather"
--- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
* Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (454:1/33)