• The Triple Play (A)

    From Daryl Stout@454:1/33 to All on Thursday, July 13, 2023 00:04:23
    The Triple Play:

    The Ham Radio Wedding, The Honeymoon And More, And Ham For The Holidays

    Written By Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, Webmaster, Cabot Nightflyers Net
    Revised May 8, 2023

    Please email me at wx1der@gmail.com with questions, comments, corrections,


    This file is a combination of 3 presentations in one.

    The first one was "The Ham Radio Wedding", which united Ham and Radio in
    Holy Telephony, originally done on Valentine's Day Weekend, 2012.

    Nine months later (for obvious reasons), we had, from a trusted group of Official Observers (hi hi), "The Honeymoon And More"...which detailed the honeymoon, and the harmonics early years. The last one, planned for July,
    2013, along the line of a "Christmas in July" theme, we have "Ham For The Holidays". Based on the melody of "The 12 Days Of Christmas", it was
    modified for "The 12 Days Of Hamming", detailing 12 items in the ham radio hobby...with some sections being quite detailed.

    Unfortunately, due to equipment failure and other issues, the combination "Triple Play" for the Cabot Nightflyers Net, didn't occur. With a lack of recordings, plus changing of my callsign, the removal of a YouTube video
    of a wedding at a ham radio club, and changes in the issuance of a paper
    copy of ham radio licenses (among other things), the script has been
    redone into one file.

    If these are done on the air, you will need to give pauses to reset the repeaters, Echolink Nodes, etc., as well as to identify your station, as
    per the amateur radio rules of your country.

    Also, I kindly ask that yours truly, Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, be given credit
    for the material. I have made the file available for all to download and
    use, to bring a little humor into ones day, as there's so little to laugh
    at in the world today.

    You may wish to edit the "personal comments related to WX4QZ" that were made...and for the net name...but keeping the comments may add a bit of
    "extra flavor" to the presentation.

    This is especially true for those who are Volunteer Examiners, who have
    had similar experiences at license exam sessions that I have noted in
    "Ham For The Holidays".

    Those who are not ham radio operators may not understand all the punny
    humor; but those who are hams, will likely bust out laughing. So, before
    doing these on the air, you might want to advise people to make a quick restroom trip, not be eating or drinking, or pull off to the side of the

    Otherwise, they may have a mess on their hands...or worse, wreck their

    Besides the 3 segments, there are 4 digital mode sound files...CW, PSK31,
    RTTY, and Packet.

    And, there are also short Third party traffic segments...all these as
    part of "The Ham Radio Wedding". The Third Party Traffic was courtesy of
    fellow computer bulletin board system operator (BBS Sysop), the late Tim Cornett, who was not a licensed ham radio operator (Tim passed away a few
    years ago).

    You can create your own audio file with the words done by Tim Cornett,
    and you can find audio samples of the modes of CW, PSK31, RTTY, and
    Packet, via your favorite search engine. The segments of thse digital
    modes may not actually have the words used, but they give the idea of
    what that particular mode sounds like. Besides, amateur radio is a hobby
    around the world, and some operators communicate in a language besides

    Since The Cabot Nightlyers Net went on hiatus several years ago, and I was doing the website...until the net returns (that is up to the original Net Control station, Steve Tune, KC5FWE)...I have REDUCED that website to just
    the initial page. I still have all the files, but until the net does come
    back online, I see no need at this point to have the data up. At this time (May, 2007), there is no word on when the net may resume.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (454:1/33)