• Ham Radio Glossary (N)

    From Daryl Stout@454:1/33 to All on Sunday, July 16, 2023 00:04:24
    From QRZ.Com, the Icom handout, and Part 97 Of The FCC Rules -
    Ham Radio Glossary - An overview of amateur radio terms.

    National Radio Quiet Zone
    The area in Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia bounded by 39 degrees
    15' N on the north, 78 degrees 30' W on the east, 37 degrees 30' N on the
    south and 80 degrees 30' W on the west.

    Noise Blanker. A function reducing pulse-type noises.

    Net Control Operator. The individual running an amateur radio net,
    persuant to FCC Rules, and to "keep control". Also see Net.

    Net Control Station.
    See Net Control Operator

    From the term "network", it means a gathering of amateur radio operators
    on a certain frequency/mode for such things as a roundtable discussion
    on a wide variety of topics, for handling message traffic, or emergency communications.

    Or "Ni-Cad"; "Nickel Cadmium". A type of rechargable battery commonly used
    with radio equipment. These tend to have a "battery memory effect"...where
    if you fail to discharge these completely before recharging, your usage
    time will be considerably less than otherwise noted.

    "Nickel Metal Hydride"
    A type of rechargable battery commonly used with radio equipment. Like the Ni-Cd, these tend to have a "battery memory effect"...where if you fail to discharge these completely before recharging, your usage will be
    considerably less than otherwise noted.

    N-P Junction
    See "P-N Junction".

    NOAA Weather Radio
    Operated by the National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration from
    162.40 to 162.55 Mhz on the Public Service band, NOAA Weather Radio
    transmits weather forecasts, observations, advisories, watches, and
    warnings, 24 hours a day, from the area National Weather Service
    office. Weather alert radios sound an alarm whenever certain weather
    watches or warnings are issued...usually for severe weather.

    Notch filter
    Sharp and narrow rejection filter for elimination of interfering signals.

    Originally the entry level license for U.S. amateur radio license, this
    license has the fewest privileges of any amateur radio class license.
    While no longer issued, Novice class licensees may use their license
    privleges, and renew them at the appopriate time. They have the same
    HF privileges as Technician Class licensees, plus limited privileges
    on the 1.25 meters and 33 centimter band.

    See "P-N Junction".

    Noise Reduction. DSP feature reduces unwanted signal noise.

    "National Traffic System". Please see http://www.weca.org/nts.html for
    more information.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (454:1/33)