• Arkansas Section News

    From Daryl Stout@454:1/33 to All on Saturday, July 08, 2023 06:43:16
    Hello friends,

    I hope everyone had a great Holiday and remembered why we have that day.
    I know my family did. I think there were 90 people at the potluck!

    I wanted to update folks on the AUXCOMM classes, and preparations for the
    April Eclipse. We are scheduling classes in every ADEM Region. We have
    already done the one in NW, and all but SE is on the website. The SE one
    will be listed in the not-too-distant future. Please get registered and
    make plans to attend whichever one works better for your calendar.

    Remember these are State-Sponsored classes, so reimbursements for Lodging
    and meals are available subject to the rules. Get with your County
    Emergency Manager (or me) to help understand those rules, and the prerequisites.

    We will accept individuals without ham radio licenses, but they must be affiliated with an Authority Having Jurisdiction or some response agency.
    This is a link to the ADEM Training Schedule and Registration Page:

    https://www.dps.arkansas.gov/emergency-management/adem/training-exercise/ training/emergency-management-training-schedule/

    (above URL all on one line)

    There is another opportunity for Training and an associated exercise
    that I want to bring to your attention. The Red River Comms Boot Camp
    will be teaching every course for every position listed in the FEMA
    Incident Command Communications Unit. There will be a day devoted to
    exercises, so students will have a great chance to get some of their
    taskbook signed. John Minard and I will be teaching AUXCOMM at this

    This is not an Arkansas State Sponsored event, so no reimbursement.

    I have been told these classes are filling fast, so if this one is
    right for you, do not wait to register. This is the link to that website:


    We have the right circumstances right now, to get the right training,
    to be the right volunteers to assist our communities. I'm not convinced
    this will ever happen again, especially considering the pressure from
    the Eclipse. Let's do it!

    Please share this message with anyone interested, and especially groups
    and organizations that might be affected.

    Thank you very much!

    J.M. Rowe N5XFW

    ARRL Arkansas Section
    Section Manager: James D Ferguson Jr, N5LKE
    n5lke@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (454:1/33)