• Ham Radio Band Plan (C)

    From Daryl Stout@454:1/33 to All on Sunday, July 16, 2023 00:04:20
    Band: 10 meters (28 Mhz/28000 kHz) 28000 to 29700 kHz

    Licensees: All amateur radio license classes


    All licensees 28000 to 28300 kHz CW, RTTY, and data

    Amateur Extra, 28300 to 29700 kHz CW, phone, and image
    Advanced, and

    Technician 28300 to 28500 kHz Single Sideband (SSB) Phone ONLY
    and Novice

    Notes: Novice and Technician Class licensees are limited to 200 watts, PEP.


    Band: 6 meters (50 Mhz) 50.0 to 50.4 Mhz

    Licensees: All licensees except Novice


    All licensees: 50.0 to 50.1 Mhz CW ONLY
    50.1 to 50.4 Mhz CW, RTTY, data, test, phone, and image


    Band: 2 meters (144 Mhz) 144.0 to 148.0 Mhz

    Licensees: All licensees except Novice


    All licensees: 144.0 to 144.1 Mhz CW ONLY
    144.1 to 148.0 Mhz CW, RTTY, data, test, phone, and image


    Band: 1.25 meters (222 Mhz) 219.0 to 225.0 Mhz

    Licensees: All amateur radio license classes


    All licensees: 222.0 to 225.0 Mhz CW, RTTY, data, test, phone, and image

    Notes: Fixed digital message forwarding systems ONLY are allowed between
    219.0 and 220.0 Mhz. Novices are limited to 25 watts PEP.


    Band: 70 centimeters (420 Mhz) 420.0 to 450.0 Mhz

    Licensees: All licensees except Novice


    All licensees: CW, RTTY, data, test, phone, and image, the entire band

    Notes: Geographical and power restrictions may apply. See the FCC Rule
    Book, the ARRL Operating Manual, or the Part 97 Rules for details.


    Band: 33 centimeters (902 Mhz) 902.0 to 928.0 Mhz

    Licensees: All licensees except Novice


    All licensees: CW, RTTY, data, test, phone, and image, the entire band

    Notes: Geographical and power restrictions may apply. See the FCC Rule
    Book, the ARRL Operating Manual, or the Part 97 Rules for details.


    Band: 23 centimeters (1240 Mhz) 1240 to 1300 Mhz

    Licensees: All amateur radio license classes


    All licensees except Novice: CW, RTTY, data, test, phone, and image,
    the entire band

    Novice: 1270 to 1295 Mhz CW, RTTY, data, test, phone, and image

    Notes: Novices are limited to 5 watts PEP. Geographical and power
    restrictions may apply. See the FCC Rule Book, the ARRL Operating
    Manual, or the Part 97 Rules for details.


    All amateur radio licensees, except Novices...have all modes on the
    following frequencies:

    2300 to 2310 Mhz
    2390 to 2450 Mhz
    3300 to 3500 Mhz
    5650 to 5925 Mhz
    10.0 to 10.5 Ghz
    24.0 to 24.25 Ghz
    47.0 to 47.2 Ghz
    76.0 to 81.0 Ghz
    122.25 to 123.0 Ghz
    134 to 141 Ghz
    241 to 250 Ghz
    All above 275 Ghz

    Notes: Geographical and power restrictions may apply. See the FCC Rule
    Book, the ARRL Operating Manual, or the Part 97 Rules for details.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (454:1/33)