• My Saturday Nets

    From Daryl Stout@454:1/33 to All on Saturday, July 29, 2023 00:01:21
    Note: This info was updated on July 27, 2023.

    You can find yours truly, Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, on this net today. A
    list of all the nets that I can be found on during the week is at the
    hyperlink on my QRZ bio -- look for the link that notes "Nets Where
    WX4QZ is Net Control".

    Nets on The QuadNet Array utilize the modes of D-Star, DMR+, WIRES-X,
    and Fusion, together on one site. Go to openquad.net for more details,
    and connection options. Note that the QuadNet Array no longer offers connections via Echolink, or Brandmeister via DMR.

    Nets on The Sunflower Network utilize the modes of AllStar, D-Star,
    DMR, Echolink, Fusion, HamShack Hotline, M17, P25, and TGIF. For more
    details and connection options, go to www.sunflowernet.us

    Nets on the Kansas Wide Fusion Net utilitze the modes of D-Star, DMR, Echollink, Fusion, P25, and WIRES-X. For more details and connection
    options, go to https://www.kansascityroom-wide.com

    Times are noted in local US time, and in UTC (when the US is on Standard Time). Take note of the following caveats in regards to net times:

    1) In the US, Standard Time is from the first Sunday in November, to the
    2nd Sunday in March...with Daylight Savings Time the rest of the year.

    2) UTC Time (noted when the US is on Standard Time) is ONE HOUR EARLIER
    when the US is on Daylight Savings Time, as noted above.

    3) Arizona, Hawaii, and the US territories are on Standard Time year
    round. In this case, during Daylight Savings Time, their net times are

    4) Confirm the net times with Net Control if you have questions.




    Net Name: QCWA Sunflower Net
    Meets On: Go to sunflowernet.us for connection options.
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
    Alternate Net Control: Lloyd Colston, KC5FM

    UTC Net Time: 1500 UTC Saturday during US Standard Time, 1400 UTC Saturday
    the rest of the year.
    US Net Time: 10am Eastern, 9am Central, 8am Mountain, 7am Pacific

    Comments: You do not have to be a member of the QCWA to check into the
    net. However, if you were first licensed as an amateur radio operator,
    anytime in the year 1998 (as of 2023) or earlier, and are currently
    licensed, you can join the organization. Go to www.qcwa.org for more
    details. The main requirement to checkin is being a licensed amateur
    radio operator, with privileges to transmit on modes offered by the
    Sunflower Net.

    On checkins, please advise if you are "short time". If that's the case,
    once ackowledged, you can secure your station at your leisure. Methods
    to checkin are as follows:

    1) The Sunflower Network, via AllStar, D-Star, DMR, Echolink, Yaesu
    System Fusion, Hamshack Hotline, M17, P25, and TGIF. For connection
    options, go to www.sunflowernet.us

    2) Via the IM Utility with Netlogger (netlogger.org).

    3) Via the QCWA Facebook Page.

    4) Via email to wx4qz@arrl.net

    Checkin methods 3 and 4 are automatically noted as "short time". They
    have until mid-afternoon Sunday, US Central Time, to post their checkin
    message request via email or in the Facebook group.


    ** NOTE: The net is on summer hiatus from Memorial Day through Labor Day. **

    Net Name: The Food Net
    Meets On: The QuadNet Array
    Net Control: Daryl Stout, WX4QZ

    UTC Net Time: 2100 UTC Saturday during US Standard Time, 2000 UTC Saturday
    the rest of the year.
    US Net Time: 4pm Eastern, 3pm Central, 2pm Mountain, 1pm Pacific

    H.A.M. stands for "Have Another Meal", and you don't call us "Late For
    Dinner". The two things ham radio operators (and everyone else, for that matter) love to do, are TALK and EAT. So, the net discusses things like recipes, cuisines, meals, restaurants, ways to prepare foods, culinary
    topics, cookbooks, etc. Many topics come from The Food Network page on Facebook.

    On checkins, please advise if you are "short time", or would like to be
    just "Listen Only". If either is the case, once ackowledged, you can
    secure your station at your leisure.

    Methods to checkin are as follows:

    1) On the QuadNet Array, via D-Star, DMR+, TGIF, WIRES-X, or Fusion.
    Go to openquad.net for connection options.

    2) Via the IM Utility with Netlogger (netlogger.org).

    3) Via the Digital D-Star Food Net Facebook Page.

    4) Via email to wx4qz@arrl.net

    Checkin methods 3 and 4 are automatically noted as "short time".

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (454:1/33)