Ham Radio Band Plan (A)
Daryl Stout@454:1/33 to
All on Sunday, July 16, 2023 00:04:12
ARRL Amateur Radio Bandplans for the United States
Refer to ARRL's The FCC Rule Book, the ARRL Operating Manual, or
Part 97 Rules for more detailed information on frequency allocations
for the Amateur Radio Service and sharing arrangements with other radio services.
US Amateur Transmitter Power Limits
At all times, transmitter power must be the MINIMUM necessary to
carry out the desired communications. Unless otherwise noted, the
MAXIMUM power output is 1500 watts Peak Envelope Power (PEP).
Novice and Technician Class licensees are limited to 200 watts PEP in
their privileges on the 80. 40, 15, and 10 meter bands. Novice Class
licensees are limited to 25 watts PEP on the 1.25 meter band, and to 5
watts PEP on the 33 centimeter band.
General, Advanced, and Amateur Extra Class licensees are limited to 200
watts PEP in their privileges on the 30 meter band, and must avoid
interference to fixed stations outside the United States. General,
Advanced, and Amateur Extra Class licensees also must avoid interference
to radiolocation services outside the United States on the 160 meter band.
Geographical and power restrictions apply to the 70, 33, and 23
centimeter bands; see The FCC Rule Book, the ARRL Operating Manual,
or the Part 97 Rules for details.
For a graphical listing of all license classes and privileges,
download the file HAMBANDS.PDF from the Ham Radio files area.
This is a COLOR graphics file in PDF format...you will need the
Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it.
Here is a brief, textual overview of that file, covering the U.S.
mateur radio privileges...Mhz stands for "megahertz", kHz stands for "kilohertz", and Ghz stands for "gigahertz".
Band: 160 meters (1.8 Mhz/1800 kHz) 1800 to 2000 kHz
Licensees: General, Advanced, and Amateur Extra ONLY;
Privileges: CW, RTTY, data, phone, and image, the entire band
Notes: Avoid interference to radiolocation operations.
Band: 80 meters (3.5 Mhz/3500 khz) 3500 to 4000 kHz
Licensees: All amateur radio licensees
Amateur Extra: 3500 to 3600 khz CW, RTTY, and data
3600 to 4000 kHz CW, phone, and image
Advanced: 3525 to 3600 kHz CW, RTTY, and data
3700 to 4000 kHz CW, phone, and image
General: 3525 to 3600 kHz CW, RTTY, and data
3800 to 4000 kHz CW, phone, and image
Technician 3525 to 3600 kHz CW ONLY
and Novice
Notes: Novice and Technician Class licensees are limited to 200 watts, PEP.
Band: 60 meters (5.3 Mhz/5300 khz)
Licensees: General, Advanced, and Amateur Extra ONLY;
Privileges: Upper Sideband (USB) Phone ONLY
Notes: General, Advanced, and Extra Class licensees may use the following
5 channels, on a secondary basis...with a maximum effective radiated
power of 50 watts PEP, relative to a half wave dipole. Only upper
sideband suppressed carrier voice transmissions may be used. The
frequencies are 5330.5, 5345.5, 5366.5, 5371.5, and 5403.5 kHz. The
occupied bandwidth is limited to 2.8 kHz, centered on 5332, 5348, 5368,
5373, and 5405 kHz, respectively.
--- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
* Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (454:1/33)