Ham Radio Courtesy
Daryl Stout@454:1/33 to
All on Saturday, July 22, 2023 00:03:59
Ham Radio Courtesy -- Written By Daryl Stout, WX4QZ
This appeared in the March 14, 2007 issue of The Handi-Ham E-Letter,
published by Courage Center, Golden Valley, Minnesota. It helps those
with disabilities to become amateur radio operators.
When I was involved with square dancing, there was a set of "10 commandments", and it had nothing to do with religion.
The one that struck me the most is the one that basically said "if
the club or group that you're a part of is not running things the way
you like them, it'd be best for you to pull up stakes, and go to
another group which is more to your liking". Unfortunately, with
human nature, you are going to have personality conflicts, politics,
and people holding grudges. This is true in hobbies, occupations,
churches, etc.
Over the years, I've known several individuals who "got their
feathers ruffled". They basically threw a "temper tantrum"...storming
off, and then saying derogatory things about those with whom they
previously were associated. I've basically disassociated myself from
these individuals and groups, but didn't go around smearing their
reputation, no matter what they did. While I forgave these people for
what they did, I didn't forget it. Besides, "what goes around, comes
The sad thing is, several of these instances over the last several
years have been with amateur radio... locally before EchoLink even
existed, and since I got into EchoLink just over a year ago. Even with
the recent FCC rules change removing the Morse Code requirement, some
of these instances have soured my desire to upgrade, or do much more
than I am now with the hobby. However, because of declining health,
ham radio (VHF packet and EchoLink...these due to power and antenna restrictions) is one of the hobbies I can still do.
People watching and listening to us are being turned off to the hobby
by discourteous behavior. And there are businesses out there who would
love to get their hands on our frequencies for pecuniary gain.
To make a long story short... courtesy costs nothing, but pays big
dividends. While you may not like another ham's personality, actions, background, etc., the best thing is to show them courtesy on the air,
and on the message boards. After all, you can always delete the message,
put them in the "deny callsign" section of your EchoLink setup, or move
to another frequency or EchoLink node, and set the parameter in EchoLink
to "not show conferences".
It's like with the CW issue in the U.S. now... you do things because
you WANT to... not because you HAVE to.
Very well said. Courtesy is the foundation of a civil society, and it
begins with the little things - the many ways we interact with each
other every day, including our activities at the radio club and on the
air and at the keyboard. Sourpuss complainers, naysayers who can't abide
the slightest change, and know-it-alls can suck the positive energy out
of anything, even something as much fun as ham radio. Always be polite
and helpful, and respectful of others... Courtesy pays!
An additional comment I want to make. Courtesy also applies to those
on the air. You may not like or agree with an individual, but the least
you can do is to "show them courtesy on the air".
If you don't like hearing someone on the air, just "spin the dial" to
another frequency, or power down the rig. No one is holding a gun to
your head to make you stay on the radio. As Linus Van Pelt of Peanuts
fame noted, "there are three things I don't discuss with others...
religion, politics, and The Great Pumpkin".
Also, interrupting someone on ham radio is just as impolite and rude
on the air, as it is in person. While there will be "doubles" at times...
which are understandable...just butting into a QSO...unless you have a
bona fide emergency or priority traffic situation at your location...will sooner or later have other hams ignore you on the air, and in person.
Then, if and when you truly need help, there will be no one to offer it.
--- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
* Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (454:1/33)