* Originally in: FSX_MYStic
* Originally on: 08-30-17 22:45
* Originally by: bcw142
* Originally to: garycrunk
Howdy! Barry,
This is the NH message I mentioned earlier.
I left almost all of the original Text in my message because I didn't
know if You would be interested in reading about it or not.
bcw142 says He is in NH in this message.
On 08/30/17, garycrunk said the following...
I want to add fsx_net to the new BBS, but I wonder about getting/sending messages on BinkP... Maybe I'm not thinking this through, but do I have
to use a different BinkP address on my new BBS so it won't collide with
my 1st BBS?
The best is to make it a point off the original. The binkp port doesn't
matter as they are independent systems, they can both use the same port (like ssh on port 22 talks to ssh on another system's port 22). Keep the main
address and add a point for the new one (like .1), so the new one would be: 21:2/105.1 it's hub would be 21:2/105. You'd add with AreaFix & FileFix they work by default. The 21:2/105 hub will now also send to 21:2/105.1 as well as 21:2/100 (or whatever it is), so it sends in two directions. It knows how to
do that. That way you don't need any more full addresses and don't need to
add to the nodelist in an official way. That way the points can come and go.
I run my old mystic 1.11 version as .1 (at port 2324) and this AlphaTest (at 2323) as .2 still with only one main address. It just saves official node
space and makes it more flexible for you, other than that it runs exactly the
--Note by Ed - here is the part about NH.
same as adding another system off yours. I'm the NH USA Hub for RetroNet and would Hub new systems in NH the same way I send/receive from the point
systems. I'd just have to help add them to the nodelist officially unless
they just wanted to be points. It helps to experiment and figure out how everything works.
On your Hub you keep EchoMail Addresses the same, under EchoMail Nodes you
add the point systems for both each net your part of (if you want the point
to be part of all the networks). Also under Message Base Editor you add the points under Export To (2 nodes with one point, 3 nodes with two points).
The same sort of thing with files, except you need to add fileboxes for each point system and only need to send to them from the Hub.
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A35 (Linux/64)
# Origin: Mystic AlphaTest bcw142.zapto.org:2323 (21:1/145.2)
* Origin: Ilink: CCO * capitolcityonline.net (454:1/105)