• Outdoor Camera Question

    From Barry Martin@454:1/1 to All on Friday, July 02, 2021 17:36:00

    Hi Folks!

    Having a problem with a 'security' camera -- maybe 'surveillance' or 'monitoring' might be better. Anyway, the cameras I'm currently using
    don't like the heat of the Storage Area (essentially attic). Both cameras
    are identical models. Both start to freeze/fail around an outdoor
    temperature of 80oF or about 103oF when measured via a non-contact
    thermometee about 10 feet away. I have the red pointer on the camera's
    case but of course the further away the greater the measurement area.

    Currently using SV-USBFHD06H-BL36. The working temperature is -10oC to
    70oC = 14oF to 158oF (storage -20oC - 85oC). Admittedly my way of
    measuring the temperature from ten feet away isn't all that accurate but doesn't seem like I should be forty-fifty degrees off. And it's with
    both cameras; one consistently fails and takes longer to recover than
    the other, so not just one bad camera.

    So any suggestions on how to cool the cameras off? Or reasonably-priced replacements 'guaranteed' to work.

    IR -- longer distance (70+ feet preferably)
    Low-lux (current cameras are rated 0.01 lux)
    USB -- don't want to go through a 3rd party site and the current
    system is USB input.

    Just thought of something: both cameras require a USB extension cable to
    finish the connection. Is it possible for the camera cable/extension
    cable connection to open or otherwise fail with hundred degree heat?


    > BarryMartin3@ <
    > @MyMetronet.NET <

    ... In my life errands are starting to count as going out.
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  • From Mike Powell@454:1/105 to BARRY MARTIN on Monday, July 05, 2021 08:26:00
    Currently using SV-USBFHD06H-BL36. The working temperature is -10.C to
    70.C = 14.F to 158.F (storage -20.C - 85.C). Admittedly my way of

    I wonder if the processor inside the camera is running hot enough that,
    with an ambient > 100F, the temperature inside the camera is climbing above
    the max working temperature?


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  • From Barry Martin@454:1/1 to Mike Powell on Tuesday, July 06, 2021 05:55:00

    Hi Mike!

    Currently using SV-USBFHD06H-BL36. The working temperature is -10.C to 70.C = 14.F to 158.F (storage -20.C - 85.C). Admittedly my way of
    I wonder if the processor inside the camera is running hot enough
    that, with an ambient > 100F, the temperature inside the camera
    is climbing above the max working temperature?

    Possibly; for 'fun' I did try to find out if there was a way to moniter
    the internal temperature but didn't find anything. About the only thing
    that would have done is verify the problem's location -- sort of as a
    post script to my original post I had the consideration of a bad
    connection to the USB extension cable; unplugged/replugged that
    yesterday after a failure -- didn't make ny difference so seems to
    eliminate that as a potential failure site.

    > BarryMartin3@ <
    > @MyMetronet.NET <

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