• RE: tomtom

    From JOHN GUILLORY@454:3/105 to DAN GULLEY on Sunday, April 08, 2012 13:59:00
    @MSGID: <496EBBCB.501.ilcarsdr@bbs.memphistw.org>

    Garmin is the most popular. Why? They're like Chevys...they work, and
    reason they work is b/c they're the most popular, so if they're popular, they
    must work. Strange logic, but true.

    1st off, most Cell phones now have apps to speak out the directions
    to you, and give you map display if you mount your cell phone on the

    And lastly, there's screen-size. Garmin produces a 3 x 5 screen which I have,
    b/c with my bad near-vision, there's no way I can see what's coming up on DG->those teensy screens that some mfr's produce! Maybe if you're 19, and
    had laser surgery to make your vision 20/05 or something, that would be
    but I need all the help I can get and the additional cost for the larger screen

    You do realize if your vision is that bad that you can't see the
    screen, you probably need better glasses. Most likely bi-focals. Hate
    to see you hit someone because they where too close for you to properly
    see them.... Not to mention, if you can't read normal navigation
    devices, how can you read your fuel gauge, speedometer, etc.?

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  • From BARRY MARTIN@454:3/105 to JOHN GUILLORY on Monday, April 09, 2012 06:09:00

    And lastly, there's screen-size. Garmin produces a 3 x 5 screen which I
    have,DG->b/c with my bad near-vision, there's no way I can see
    what's coming up onDG->those teensy screens that some mfr's
    produce! Maybe if you're 19, and justDG->had laser surgery to
    make your vision 20/05 or something, that would be OK,DG->but I
    need all the help I can get and the additional cost for the
    larger screen
    You do realize if your vision is that bad that you can't see
    the screen, you probably need better glasses. Most likely
    bi-focals. Hate to see you hit someone because they where too
    close for you to properly see them.... Not to mention, if you
    can't read normal navigation devices, how can you read your fuel
    gauge, speedometer, etc.?

    Another reading problem could be due to colour blindness, or what I call
    "tint blindness" as depends on the shade of the colour (I can see most
    shades of green but some shades look grey to me).

    With one car I had I was having problems seeing the needle indicators on
    the dash when I was wearing sunglasses. Solved the problem by getting a
    pair of sunglasses with graduated tint: dark at the top and almost clear
    at the bottom.

    > <
    > Barry_Martin_3@ <
    > @Q.COM <
    > <

    ... The lecture on time travel will be held yesterday.
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