• When everything is digital.. this happens..

    From August Abolins@454:1/5016 to ILink.IL_ENTERTAINMENT,ILink.IL_MUS on Friday, February 24, 2023 19:14:00
    Another interesting video/vinyl/cassettes (Canadian) survivor

    "When everything is digital, why we long for media we can hold
    in our hands"

    "People are rediscovering the value of DVDs, records after
    years of digitizing everything.

    by Natalie Stechyson . CBC News . Posted: Feb 23, 2023 4:00 AM

    "It's a feeling increasingly shared by consumers and collectors
    across Canada. After years of digitizing everything, people are
    rediscovering the value of physical assets. DVDs, vinyl records
    and film cameras are all experiencing a renaissance. Even
    cassette tapes are making a comeback.

    "Last year, for the second year in a row, vinyl albums outsold
    CD albums in the in the U.S., Billboard reported in January
    (and the manufacturers are struggling to keep pace with the
    growth). In terms of photography, Kodak said in 2022 that it
    "can't keep up" with the demand for film.

    "a lot of younger female customers buying records. Now, it's
    common to have 15-year olds coming in to buy everything from
    old re-issues to new releases"

    [FULL article: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/physical-media- dvd-vinyl-1.6755293 ]

    OR.. https://bbs.lc/mzDHd
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: ILink:End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com (454:1/5016)
  • From Daryl Stout@454:1/33 to August Abolins on Sunday, February 26, 2023 03:26:00

    "Last year, for the second year in a row, vinyl albums outsold
    CD albums in the in the U.S., Billboard reported in January
    (and the manufacturers are struggling to keep pace with the
    growth). In terms of photography, Kodak said in 2022 that it
    "can't keep up" with the demand for film.

    I noted this awhile back, but I have a bunch of vinyl records that
    my late parents had (my Dad has been gone over 16 years, and my Mom
    has been gone over 3 1/2, and my wife has been gone nearly 16 years).
    My parents were married in late 1952...my Dad was diagnosed with
    pancreatic cancer just after their 54th anniversary...he was gone 6
    weeks later.

    There are also a bunch of ceramic knick-knacks, and several book
    from the late Clive Cussler, and other authors, that I have no use

    While I'd like to sell or donate these, I can't afford to send
    them off (I'm on a fixed income), and I'm afraid to post something
    out...as thugs who may see the ad would come to the door, and kill
    me, then ransack the place. Plus, with Covid-19 issues, many places
    won't take these items. I've had the 2 initial shots and 3 boosters,
    but to my knowledge, have never had Covid-19. Yet, after the 3rd
    booster last November, I have had no energy to do much of anything.


    ... ESC?? I didn't know I was trapped.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (454:1/33)
  • From August Abolins@454:1/5016 to Daryl Stout on Monday, February 27, 2023 17:10:00
    Hello 1/33!

    ** On Sunday 26.02.23 - 04:26, 1/33 wrote to August Abolins:

    "Last year, for the second year in a row, vinyl albums
    outsold CD albums in the in the U.S., Billboard reported
    in January (and the manufacturers are struggling to keep
    pace with the growth)..

    I noted this awhile back, but I have a bunch of vinyl records that
    my late parents had..

    There are also a bunch of ceramic knick-knacks, and several book
    from the late Clive Cussler, and other authors, that I have no use

    I remember you mentioning the Clive Cusslers. Those could be
    worth something. But if you don't have use for them, just tell
    the libraries in the area what you have. Let THEM arrange to
    have someone come over to pick them up.

    WRT knick-nacks, just donate then to a thrift shop and get them
    out of your space.

    While I'd like to sell or donate these, I can't afford to
    send them off (I'm on a fixed income), and I'm afraid to
    post something..

    One thing at a time. Try a library for the books.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: ILink:End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com (454:1/5016)